About Us

We’re on a mission to boldly connect writers and readers in the wild, wonderful world of speculative fiction! We want to blast off into uncharted territories of the imagination and bring together a community of dreamers, storytellers, and fans who are ready for an adventure. Join us as we explore new worlds, meet unforgettable characters, and let our minds wander to the limits of what could be.

MetaStellar is an online publication focusing on horror, fantasy and science fiction, launched in September 2020, founded by a dozen speculative fiction writers, editors and artists from around the world.

Since our launch in September 2020, we’ve published more than 900 pieces (out of thousands of submissions) by more than 400 different writers. We are accredited as a Google News publisher and are in the Google Discover program. In May of 2023 we became the second most popular science fiction and fantasy magazine on the Internet, with over 120,000 visits per month, according to SimilarWeb. Read more here: Top ten online sci-fi magazines.

We pay for original speculative fiction, at a rate of 8 cents a word. We also have non-paying publishing opportunities for reprints, essays, how-to articles and reviews. Find out more here.

To be alerted of new fiction and other articles, and announcements about our paid submissions windows, you can subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

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If you want to support new and emerging science fiction and fantasy authors, please join our Patreon supporters.

All donations go to pay for original fiction submissions.

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We are currently looking for volunteer copyeditors and judges, media production assistants, artists, publicists, administrative assistants, and fundraisers. More information here.



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