
Guidelines and Submission Form

Our editors are interested in excerpts of 1,500 words to 10,000 words from published novels in horror, science fiction, or fantasy. 

MetaStellar publishes excerpts of published novels for free. We are unable to pay for excerpts. See our overview

Please direct your excerpts-related questions to [email protected].

By submitting your work below, you affirm that you are the original writer of the text, and that you have rights to any images included. If your piece is accepted for publication, we will send you a contract giving us non-exclusive rights to edit and publish it, edits subject to your approval. You will receive a byline, an author bio at the bottom of each of your pieces, and a spot on our contributors list. You can also include all of your platform links. 

We would also like an image of the book cover, and any other images and illustrations you’d like us to run with it, as well as links where readers can download or buy the full book.

  • Please write a summary, tag line or blurb about your submission, 50 words or less.
  • Please paste an excerpt of 1,500 to 10,000 words.
  • Please submit a one or two-sentence biography. Feel free to include links to your Amazon book page, author website, or social media pages.
  • Please submit a square headshot.
  • If available online, please include a URL.


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