
MetaStellar would not exist without our talented writers and editors. Thank you for your contributions!

If you would like to join our team, please email or contact individual editors listed on our contacts page.

Here is our full list of contributors:

JON HANSEN (he/his) is a writer, librarian, and occasional blood donor. He lives about fifty feet from Boston with his wife, son, and three pushy cats. His short fiction and poetry have appeared in a variety of places, including Strange Horizons, Daily Science Fiction and Apex Magazine. He enjoys tea and cheese, and like so many, is working on a novel. His website is
Ron Fein is a Boston-area public interest lawyer, writer, and activist. His writing appears in Daily Science Fiction, Sci Phi Journal, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Phantasmical Contraptions and More Errors, and What Would Henry Do? Essays for the 21st Century, Vol. II. Find him at, on Twitter @ronfein, and on Mastodon
Liam Hogan is an award-winning short story writer, with stories in Best of British Science Fiction and in Best of British Fantasy (NewCon Press). He’s been published by Analog, Daily Science Fiction, and Flame Tree Press, among others. He helps host Liars’ League London, volunteers at the creative writing charity Ministry of Stories, and lives and avoids work in London. More details at
Myna Chang (she/her) is the author of The Potential of Radio and Rain. Her writing has been selected for Flash Fiction America (W. W. Norton), Best Small Fictions, and CRAFT. She has won the Lascaux Prize in Creative Nonfiction and the New Millennium Award in Flash Fiction. She hosts the Electric Sheep speculative fiction reading series. See more at or @MynaChang.
LL Garland enjoys gaming, writing speculative fiction, and exploring deep, dark woods. She’s been called “disturbingly competitive” at all three. She lives in a house with three dogs and two libraries - a fancy one for show, and a hidden one for the weird stuff. You can find more of her stories on her website,
As a fine art professional, Mar has wielded katanas and handled Lady Gaga's shoes. As a veterinary assistant, she has cared for hairless cats, hedgehogs, and, one time, a coyote. As a writer, she can be found in Escape Pod, Fusion Fragment, Apex's Robotic Ambitions anthology, and more. Find her on sundry social media @MaroftheBooks.
By day, Katherine Karch teaches high school science on the north shore of Massachusetts and commits herself to being a positive force in the world. By night, she dreams of darker things and sometimes writes them down. You can find her chatting about stuff like reading, writing, family, and various nerdy things on Instagram (@katherinekarchwrites) and Mastodon (
Jeff Provine is an English teacher in Oklahoma. He published his first novel, a steampunk space adventure, when he was 19. His works today include nonfiction folklore with local ghost stories, Okie Comics magazine, and numerous anthologies. Twitter @jeffprovine, FB Website: Amazon author page:
H.T. Grossen lives and writes beneath the long evening shadow of the Rocky Mountains in Pueblo, Colorado with his magical wife and pulchritudinous daughters. He writes poems and fiction of all genres. Handle: @htgrossen - Website:
Carol Scheina is a deaf speculative author whose stories have appeared in publications such as Flash Fiction Online, Escape Pod, Cossmass Infinities, and more. You can find more of her work at Twitter: @CarolScheina
William R.D. Wood traces his love of science fiction and horror back to a childhood filled with Space: 1999 reruns, visits to the Night Gallery, and a worn-out copy of Dune. His work has appeared in Nature, Daily Science Fiction and Cosmic Horror Monthly. A good day finds him on Virginia's Blue Ridge Parkway with a fully charged laptop and diabolical plans.  Website: Amazon Author Page: FB: Twitter: @williamRDwood Instagram: williamRDwood
A peripatetic writer of science fiction and fantasy, Keyan Bowes has lived in seven countries and now can usually be found somewhere on the West Coast of the USA. Her work has been published online in magazines such as Escape Pod and Fireside, and in print in a dozen anthologies. She's a Clarion graduate and a SFWA member. Website:
William Paul Jones is either a sci-fi and fantasy author or two golden retrievers wearing a fedora and overcoat so they can get into R-rated movies; it’s hard to say which. He is a graduate of UNC Chapel Hill and currently lives in Los Angeles where he manages film transportation fleets. He is attended by one hilarious wife, a pair of insane dogs, and whichever new best friend he happens to run into at Burning Man. He likes wizardry a great deal, plays the guitar passably well, and is usually filled with roasted chicken and quinoa.
Bo lives and works close to Amsterdam. Bo is the first Dutch author to have been published in Clarkesworld, F&SF, Analog and other places. Her sf novel "The Wan" was published by Pink Narcissus Press. When not writing, she knits, reads and gardens, preferably all three at the same time.For more about her work, you can visit her website or find Bo on Facebook or Twitter, or her author page at
Greg Clumpner is a proud product of Wisconsin currently residing in Pittsburgh, PA. He has both a Mechanical Engineering degree and an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University and works as a business consultant to early-stage companies. Greg has been published in multiple journals and is Editor of Triangulation: Seven-Day Weekend, forthcoming in July 2023 on Amazon. When not working, writing, or playing with shelter dogs, you’ll find Greg willing to engage in any form of sport.
AJ Abdallat, Co-founder and CEO of Beyond Limits, is a serial entrepreneur with 19 years of experience in building high tech startups in the fields of bio-inspired artificial intelligence, reasoning systems and smart sensors. He has spearheaded several Caltech/JPL Startups since 1998, raising over $100M in venture and strategic investment, and holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering from the University of Missouri and a Bachelor of Science from the University of California at Berkeley.
Adriana Acevedo is an editor, writer, and sleep paralysis demon. She's been published in magazines like samfiftyfour and Impostor. She's bilingual and living in the monstruos Mexico City. Whenever she's not reading horror stories or watching horror movies, she's baking sourdough bread. Read more of her writing here.
Mike Adamson holds a doctoral degree from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Adamson returned to study and secured qualifications in marine biology and archaeology. He has been a university educator since 2006, is a passionate photographer, master-level hobbyist and journalist for international magazines. For more about him, check out his website, The View From The Keyboard.
Writing in the third person always makes the author feel like he's writing his obituary, but here goes: a lover of alt-rock, Akira Kurosawa movies, and craft beer, the author lives in Northern California with his wife and two kids. His beautiful wife definitely could do better, but, luckily for him, she hasn't caught on to that fact yet. Rage Against the Machine, the Black Keys, and the Warlocks are in heavy rotation on Spotify for writing inspiration.
Britta Ager is an assistant professor of classics at Arizona State University in the School of International Letters and Cultures. She has previously taught at a variety of colleges and universities throughout the US. Her research encompasses Roman history, ancient agriculture and environmental issues, the senses, and Roman religion, ritual, and magic.
Ed Ahern resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales. He’s had over three hundred stories and poems published so far, and six books. Ed works the other side of writing at Bewildering Stories, where he sits on the review board and manages a posse of nine review editors. He’s also lead editor at The Scribes Micro Fiction magazine. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Istagram.
Matthew D Albertson is an armchair writer from the Pacific Northwest, currently a student at Portland State University. You can follow him on Threads at Matthew D Albertson
Faith Allington (she/her) is a writer, gardener and lover of mystery parties. Her work appears in Apex Magazine, Waterwheel Review, Cease, Cows, and Crow & Cross Keys.
Kenneth Amenn has had two stories published: the October 2019 issue of 3 Moon Magazine featured Skin Deep and the 2020 Kyanite Press featured Diamond Tears in their Winter issue. He lives in Chicago with his three siblings and their dog.
Kevin Ameyo often visits mythical lands, makes merry with fictional people and comes back to Earth to write their fantastical tales on his blog, The Words of a Dying Flame. Find me on Twitter and on Instagram
Ryan Anderson is the senior editor at AR/VR Tips, an online company that showcases the latest augmented reality apps and virtual reality products and offers tutorials and guides to help you play.
Gwen Anderson is a Junior in High School with aspirations of turning her addiction to writing of the weird, the funny, and the outright strange into something she can actually live off of someday. She spent the past summer at Columbia’s Crafting the Novel Immersion and has earned three Honorable Mentions from Scholastic. She runs her own book review and original writing blog which can be found on Instagram @4TheStarryEyed or on her website at 4THESTARRYEYED.
Silvia Angeli is a lecturer in Film and Media Studies at the University of Westminster. Her research focuses on Italian and North American cinema, as well as the relationship between religion and film, and film-philosophy. She is currently exploring the portrayal of mourning and grief in film by means of Jacques Derrida’s notion of ‘hauntology’.
Douglas Anstruther was raised among the long cold winters of Minnesota. He married his lovely wife, Dana, went to medical school, had three very nearly perfect children and moved to Wilmington, North Carolina.  When not tending to people’s kidneys, Anstruther likes to read, write and talk about history, linguistics, space, AIs, the singularity, and everything in between. Find him on Twitter at @DouglsAnstruthr and on Facebook at @douglasanstruther.
Born in Oldham, a Lancashire mill town in 1971, Nick has lived in various places and now in SE Asia. Has many interests including writing, studying history, military aviation, and current affairs. He loves Gothic music and metal, likes the 1980s for what it was (trash decade!), loves tattoos, and wants more.
Diane Arrelle, the pen name of South Jersey writer Dina Leacock, has sold more than 350 short stories and has three published books including Just A Drop In The Cup, a collection of short-short stories and her collection of horror stories, Seasons On The Dark Side. Retired from being director of a municipal senior citizen center, she is now co-owner of a small publishing company, Jersey Pines Ink LLC. She resides with her sane husband and her insane cat on the edge of the New Jersey Pine Barrens (home of the Jersey Devil).
Asch is a high school teacher, an avid gamer, and a first reader in both science fiction and fantasy at Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores. Her current project is illustrating the poetry book Tell Me More Tales, sequel to Tell Me Tales.
Beatrice Ashton-Lelliott recently completed her PhD at the University of Portsmouth on Victorian magician autobiographies and fictional representations of conjuring in 19th-century literature. She has most recently published on illusions in Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance and Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge.
Steve Bailey grew up in the Panama Canal Zone, went to school in Minnesota, and taught history in Virginia for thirty-two years. For the last three years, he has been a freelance writer and has managed to get several stories published, which he lists on his website
Dawn Baird spends her days in the world of fiction, creating short stories and novels. She lives in Florida with her husband and a fat cat who loves to walk on her computer keyboard as she works. Follow her on Twitter at @DawnBairdWriter.
Alexandra Balasa is a writer, editor, PhD student, and TA at the University of Texas at Dallas. Her writing has appeared in magazines such as PodCastle, Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, and Deep Magic. You can follow her on @BalasaAl.
Raluca Balasa holds an MFA in Creative Writing: Fiction from the University of Nevada, Reno. Her debut science fiction novel Blood State was released in September of 2020. Find out more at her website Raluca Balasa or follow her on Twitter at @rabalasa.
Keech maintains an ominous presence somewhere (out there) in the desert southwest of the human mind. Keech has concocted a strange brew of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry since the current crisis began. A few of these manqué misfits are available as podcasts. Recent examples of Keech's variable mood swings may be unleashed at: Ellipsis Zine, Outlander Zine, Antipodean SF, and Kalonopia Collective.
Patrick Barb is a freelance writer and editor from the southern United States, currently living (and trying not to freeze to death) in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Previously, his short fiction has appeared in Sci-Fi & Scary , Crystal Lake Publishing's Shallow Waters Vol. 7, Boneyard Soup Magazine, and other publications (see Patrick Barb for more info).
Devan Barlow is the author of the Curses & Curtains series of fairy tales-meet-musicals fantasy novels. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in several anthologies and magazines. She can be found at her website or on Bluesky She reads voraciously, and can often be found hanging out with her dog, drinking tea, and thinking about sea monsters.
Pete Barnstrom is an award-winning screenwriter and filmmaker whose projects have played at theaters and film festivals all over the world. He's shot documentaries in Greenland for the National Science Foundation, made movies with the Blair Witch guys (not that one), and seen one of his films screened at the Smithsonian. His experimental short films earned a grant from the Artist Foundation, and Amazon Studios bought a family film screenplay from him. He lives quietly in Texas and loudly elsewhere. You can find him on Twitter at @MistahPete and on Instagram at mistah.pete.
Jason A. Bartles, originally from West Virginia, now calls Philadelphia home. He lives with his husband and two dogs, a blue-eyed husky and a pit-mix who will lick your face off. He teaches Latin American literature and Spanish at a regional university, but he promises his stories are entirely fictional.
Margery Bayne is a librarian by day and writer by night. Based in Baltimore, Maryland, she crafts speculative and literary short stories while nurturing novelist aspirations. Armed with a Susquehanna University BA in Creative Writing and a University of Maryland Masters of Library Science, she shares her weekly musings on short stories at The Writing Cooperative on Medium as @margerybayne. In 2022, she published her first book Object Impermanence: Weird and Fantastic Stories which is available for purchase on Amazon. When she's not lost in books, she's chasing miles, folding origami, and embracing her cool aunt status. Explore more about her and her writing at
Aaron is an Australian author of cosmic horror, science fiction, and military stories set in the Dead Station and the Containtment Taskforce series. You can find them on twitter @AaronBeardsell or instagram at aaron_beardsell_author.
Travis Wade Beaty grew up in Northeast Indiana, spent a good deal of his twenties in Los Angeles, and now resides in Washington, DC. While he’s had a great many jobs, his favorites have included acting, teaching, and being a stay-at-home dad to two girls and two cats. He can be found on Twitter at @TravisWBeaty or his website,
Kathrine K. Beck (also known as K.K. Beck) lives in Seattle, Washington, and is the author of 17 crime novels and one work of nonfiction, Opal: A Life of Enchantment, Mystery and Madness. Beck is an Edgar award nominee and an Agatha award nominee. Visit her Amazon author page here.
Gary Beck has spent most of his adult life as a theater director and worked as an art dealer when he couldn't earn a living in the theater. He has also been a tennis pro, a ditch digger and a salvage diver. His original plays and translations of Moliere, Aristophanes and Sophocles have been produced Off Broadway. His poetry, fiction and essays have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and his published books include 38 poetry collections, 14 novels, 4 short story collections, 1 collection of essays and 7 books of plays. Gary lives in New York City. Find him at Gary Beck and on Facebook
Scott Beggs keeps an eye on the stars. His short stories have appeared in PseudoPod, Dark Moon Digest, MYTHIC Magazine, and All Worlds Wayfarer. He moves around a lot with his family, and he wants to be Buster Keaton's best friend. Follow him on Twitter at @scottmbeggs and visit his website at for more.
C.R. Beideman writes from Butte, Montana. His fiction appears in: The Saturday Evening Post, Gray's Sporting Journal, and AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review. He's taught classes at Montana State. In addition to skiing and fly fishing, these days he's into gardening. His bottom right desk drawer and his first novel have a Schrödinger's cat thing going on. Find out more on Twitter @CRBeideman.
Jim Bell is a planetary scientist, educator, author, public speaker, and past president of The Planetary Society. He works at Arizona State University and is heavily involved in NASA solar system exploration missions like those of the Mars rovers Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity. His popular science and space photography books include Postcards from Mars, Mars-3-D, Moon 3-D, The Space Book, The Interstellar Age, The Earth Book, and most recently Hubble Legacy: 30 Years of Images and Discoveries (2020) and can be found at books/Jim Bell. He is a Professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at ASU, an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Astronomy at Cornell University, and a Distinguished Visiting Scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Warren Benedetto writes dark fiction about horrible people, horrible places, and horrible things. He is an award-winning author and a full member of the SFWA. His stories have appeared in publications such as Dark Matter Magazine, Fantasy Magazine, and The Dread Machine; on podcasts such as The NoSleep Podcast, Tales to Terrify, and The Creepy Podcast; and in anthologies from Apex Magazine, Tenebrous Press, Eerie River Publishing, and more. He also works in the video game industry, where he holds 35+ patents for video game technology. For more information, visit Warren Benedetto and follow on Twitter @WarrenBenedetto and Instagram.
Katherine Bergeron's writings have been published by The Haven, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, The Satirist, The Bigger Picture, All Worlds Wayfarer, The New North, and Circlet Press. She studied film at Emerson College, and later publishing and communications at Harvard University. Coverage of her work has been featured in print and television, including The Boston Globe, The Boston Phoenix, The Dig, and WCVB-TV’s Chronicle. She lives in Boston. you can visit her website at DameCore, her instagram at DameCoreInc her twitter at DameCoreInc.
Simon Berry is a recovering lawyer who has called Hong Kong home since 1992. He has completed an MFA in creative writing and a PhD in English literature at City University. In addition to writing short stories, his novels A Wasting Asset, and A Debt To Pay are available on Amazon. He is working on his next fantasy novel.
Silas Bischoff is an aspiring writer of speculative fiction of all kinds, including screenplays, with a background in science and technology. You will find no long list of references here, because frankly, he's just beginning.
Kerry E.B. Black writes from a little house that slips further into a swamp with each thunderstorm. Follow the award-winning author of many short stories and the novel "Season of Secrets" on Goodreads, Book Bub, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and at
Daisy Blacklock is a young writer, aged 13, who hopes to achieve her dream career in the future: a full-time writer.
Benji Blackwell is freelance editor and owner of Elves & Ellipses, where he provides copyediting and proofreading services for authors of Christian, YA, and speculative fiction novels and short stories. He also blogs about writing and self-publishing matters—with a touch of what he calls humor and an English teacher’s brain he can’t get rid of.
Matt Bliss is a construction worker turned speculative fiction writer from Las Vegas, Nevada. He believes there's no such thing as too much coffee and is the proud owner of way too many pets. His short fiction has appeared in Cosmic Horror Monthly, Hyphenpunk, and Scare Street's Night Terrors among other published and forthcoming works. If you don’t find him haunting the used book aisle of your local thrift store, you can always find him on Twitter at @MattJBliss.
Craig Bowlsby lives in Vancouver Canada. Recent fiction includes, “The Day the Earth Didn’t Stand Still” in Neo-opsis science fiction issue 32, July 2021; “The Last Run of Old 248” in the JayHenge science fiction anthology, June 2021; “The Last of the Shamrocks” in Aethlon, issue 36-1, 2020; “One Day in Tom’s Life with Ice Cream,” in Neo-opsis science fiction magazine, issue 30, 2019; and “Translate This,” in the science fiction magazine, Polar Borealis, issue 6, 2018, re-issued in a Tall Tale TV Podcast in 2021.
A bookworm since childhood, Belinda is passionate about stories and has turned her hand to writing them, with several stories published in a variety of publications. Belinda lives in Australia with her family, two moody, yet oh so loveable, cats and two super cute miniature dachshunds who love annoying said cats and each other. Belinda adores all things spooky, music and travel.
Tom Brennan is an Irish-British writer who lives beside Liverpool’s River Mersey with four cats (all related) and who enjoys watching the ships glide past, particularly at night; he also enjoys reading and creating a wide variety of fiction and has stories at the moment in Cossmass Infinities, New Muse and Open All Night anthologies.
MetaStellar essays editor Noreen Brenner is a science fiction writer with masters degrees in molecular biology and bioinformatics. Her Kobo author page is here. She's currently working on a novel featuring an intergalactic human civilization, time travel, and aliens. Follow her on Facebook at Noreen Brenner Author.
Glenn Bresciani is an Australian who works in community aged care. Fantasy and sci-fi are his favorite genres to read and write about. His fantasy short story, set in ancient Japan, has been published in the Valor: A Dragon Soul Press Anthology. Glenn's Facebook page is here
Laurence Raphael Brothers (he/him) is a writer and a technologist with five patents and a background in AI and Internet R&D. He has published over 35 short stories in such magazines as Nature, PodCastle, and the New Haven Review. He is most proud of his romantic noir urban fantasy novellas The Demons of Wall Street and The Demons of the Square Mile. Follow Laurence on Twitter at @lbrothers or visit Laurence Raphael Brothers for more stories that can be read or listened to online.
Culum Brown is a professor at Macquarie University, where he teaches vertebrate evolution. He is also the assistant editor of the Journal of Fish Biology.
Julius A.M. Brown is a lover of fiction with a degree in Criminal Justice. He lives in North Carolina with his wife, their son, and their dog. Find him on his website Julius Brown Books, on Twitter. and on Instagram.
Jane Brown is a web programmer and short fiction writer who lives by the beach in Australia. Her stories have been published in The Centropic Oracle, Etherea Magazine and Every Day Fiction. She can be found on Twitter at @janebrownau or at
Christina Brown is a speculative fiction writer and a freelance editor. She can be found on Instagram at @christinaiswriting.
Victoria Brun is a writer and project manager at a national laboratory. When not bugging hard-working scientists about budget reports and service agreements, she is writing stories you can find at Factor Four Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, Little Blue Marble, Nature Futures, and beyond. Find her on Twitter at @VictoriaLBrun or at
Jacob Budenz is a queer writer, multi-disciplinary performer, educator, and witch whose work you can follow on Instagram at @dreambabyjake, on Twitter at @jakebeearts, and the Internet beyond at The author of Pastel Witcheries from Seven Kitchens Press, Budenz has work in journals including Slipstream, Wizards in Space, and Entropy Magazine, as well as anthologies by Mason Jar Press, Lycan Valley Press, and Mad Scientist Journals.
Mark Budman is a first-generation immigrant. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Catapult, Witness, Five Points, Guernica/PEN, American Scholar, Huffington Post,  Mississippi Review, Virginia Quarterly, and elsewhere. His novel My Life at First Try was published by Counterpoint Press. Learn more at
Christopher J. Burke is a writer, webcomic creator and math teacher from Brooklyn. His first story, "Don't Kill the Messenger", was published in Steve Jackson Games' Autoduel Quarterly. He went on to coauthor GURPS Autoduel, 2nd edition and has appeared in Mad Magazine. A collection of his stories,  In A Flash 2020, was published by eSpec Books. His most recent stories, "Portrait of a Lady Vampire" and "Bringer of Doom", appeared in Daily Science Fiction and in the anthology Devilish & Divine. He's currently working on another collection of short fiction. Find out more at Christopher J. Burke.
Tim Burkhardt is a writer who lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains outside of Asheville, North Carolina. His work has appeared in Riddled With Arrows, The Horror Tree, and forthcoming in The Dread Machine. He spends the rest of his time raising his two sons and their rescue cat, Keats. His work can be found at Follow him on Twitter @TmthyBurkhardt.
Emma Burnett is a researcher and writer. She has had stories in Apex Magazine, Radon, Utopia Magazine, MetaStellar, Milk Candy Review, Elegant Literature, The Stygian Lepus, Roi Fainéant, The Sunlight Press, Rejection Letters, and more. You can find her @slashnburnett, or
William C. Burns, Jr. has won the Greenville County Library Award for haiku, and has been published in To Be MenAfter the Orange: Ruin and Recovery and Confessions: A Nightmare in Five Acts.  He also published in Star*Line, The New Press Literary Quarterly, South Ash Press, and Slug Fest. He is a regular contributor to MetaStellar Magazine. He’s a full-time writer whose previous lives include being a bioengineer, a teacher of electrical power, microprocessor control systems and a set designer for local theaters.
David Burton is the author of two award-winning young adult novels, and over thirty professionally produced plays. He works at the University of South Queensland.
Sean Cahillane is a science fiction and fantasy writer based in Massachusetts. You can find him at @thesean_mc.
PJ Caldas is one of the most important Brazilian writers of the 21st century, according to the Dictionary of Literary Biography. He has published four books inspired by the mythology carried to Brazil by the African diaspora, and reached the top five bestselling titles multiple times. Caldas has won an Emmy and is a pioneer in the marketing world having won numerous awards and who sits at the intersection of tech, entertainment and advertising . He is also a martial artist with 40 years of experience in combat sports, including kempo, karate, wing chun, tai chi, boxing and Brazilian jiu jitsu. He currently works in New York City and lives in Connecticut.
After retiring from a twenty year career as an air traffic controller, Rex Caleval decided to try writing a few of the story ideas that were always popping into his head, and has been pleased to find that some people like them. Links to his stories which have been published online can be found on his Facebook author page Rex Caleval.
Judi Calhoun is a long time member of Berlin Writers Group, New England Horror Writers Assoc. Her work appears in numerous fiction anthologies and national magazines, including Flame Tree’s Urban Crime, Appalachia Journal, Blue Moon Literary & Art Review, Crimson Street, and releases by the New Hampshire Pulp Fiction series, Great Jones Street’s collection of award winning stories, and anthologies by the John Greenleaf Whittier museum, Snowbound With Zombies, & Murder Among Friends.  Follow her literary and artistic adventures at Judy Calhoun.
Michael Cameron is a PhD candidate of English at Dalhousie University. His current dissertation research covers the relationship between post-apocalyptic/dystopian literature and utopian philosophy/politics.
Arasibo is originally from Puerto Rico and has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Biophysics. He writes science fiction, fantasy, and horror that's often inspired by scientific principles. His work has appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Tales to Terrify , Weirdbook #41, and Helios Quarterly Magazine.
Thomas Canfield has had recent pieces with Inked In Grey Press and Hawksbarrow Press. His phobias run to politicians, lawyers and TV pitchmen. He likes dogs and beer.
James Cannice grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and graduated from Pepperdine University. He has work published or forthcoming in Tales to Terrify, Maudlin House and Novel Noctule. He currently resides in the Bay Area and is pursuing a master’s degree at the University of San Francisco.
Kate Cantrell is an award-winning writer, editor, and teacher working at the intersection of creative writing, mobility studies, and social justice. She teaches at the University of Southern Queensland.
Elliott Capon is the author of four published novels -- one horror, two funny whodunits and one sarcastic murder cozy -- and a collection of shaggy dogs. He's been married 42 years and will probably remain so until he can find them damn right of rescission papers. Visit his Amazon author page here.
Jared Cappel's work has appeared or is forthcoming in After Dinner Conversations, Blue Lake Review, Door Is A Jar, Literally Stories, and Reflex Press, among others. When he's not writing, he enjoys creating digital art known for its abstract imagery and vibrant use of color. A lover of wordplay, he's ranked as one of the top Scrabble players in North America. Follow the latest at Jared Cappel.
Carietta Dorsch currently lives in North Carolina. She can see the horror in anything and loves every sinister detail.
Steve Carr, from Richmond, Virginia, has had over 580 short stories – new and reprints – published internationally in print and online magazines, literary journals, reviews and anthologies since June, 2016. He has had seven collections of his short stories published. A Map of Humanity, his eighth collection, being published by Hear Our Voice LLC Publishers is due out in January, 2022. His paranormal/horror novel Redbird was released in November, 2019. He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize twice. Find him on
Award-winning performance A.D. Carson is the assistant professor of Hip-Hop & the Global South in the Department of Music at the University of Virginia. His most recent album, i used to love to dream is available on all major streaming platforms.
Jay Caselberg is a writer and poet whose work, novels, short fiction, poetry, has appeared around the world and been translated into several languages. From time to time, it gets shortlisted for awards. Find out more at
Micah Castle is a weird fiction and horror writer. His stories have appeared in various magazines, websites, and anthologies, and has three collections currently out. While away from the keyboard, he enjoys spending time with his wife, aimlessly spending hours hiking through the woods, playing with his animals, and can typically be found reading a book somewhere in his Pennsylvania home.
When not composing stories, Dan tweets writing tips (@CDanCastro43), dreams of traveling again, or studies languages to imbue his stories with je ne sais quoi (whatever that means). He lives in Connecticut, where he’s making a final polish on his first novel, a middle-grade fantasy. 
James Cato writes instead of doing laundry and his novel, Litter of the Waste, is in orbit. He has previous publications in Daily Science Fiction, The Molotov Cocktail, Gone Lawn, Litro, Atticus Review, and The Colored Lens, among others. He tweets humbly @the_sour_potato and his work lives on
Eric Cavalcanti is an Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow at Griffith University. His research is aimed at uncovering the reality behind the mathematics of quantum mechanics, and how it allows for exciting technologies such as quantum computing and cryptography.
Brad Center was born and raised in Philadelphia, and now lives just outside Washington, DC in Fairfax Virginia. By profession, he is a partner in a small consulting business.  As a writer, he has had poems published in small press publications like Dream International Quarterly.  His speculative fiction short stories have appeared in on-line magazines like The New Accelerator.  His book of short stories entitled Blurring the Lines is a mix of horror and speculative fiction.  
Lex Chamberlin (they/she) is a nonbinary and autistic writer of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. They hold a master’s degree in book publishing and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, and they reside in the Pacific Northwest with their husband and quadrupedal heirs. Find them online at
Joshua Chaplinsky is the Managing Editor of LitReactor. He is the author of The Paradox Twins (2021, CLASH Books), the story collection Whispers in the Ear of A Dreaming Ape, and the parody Kanye West—Reanimator. His short fiction has been published by Motherboard, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Thuglit, Severed Press, Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing, Clash Books, Pantheon Magazine and Broken River Books. Follow him on Twitter Jaceycockrobin. More info at Joshua Chaplinsky and Unraveling The Paradox
Ned Marcus has lived in different parts of Europe and Asia for most of his life and is currently based in East Asia. He writes fantasy and science fiction both short stories and novels. Find out more at His books are available at Ned Marcus.
A writer living in North London, Barry Charman has been published in various magazines, including Ambit, Firewords Quarterly and Popshot Quarterly. He has a blog at
Koushik Chattopadhyay originally hails from India and has a doctoral degree in human genetics, but lives in his dream city of Los Angeles where he currently pursues his longtime dream of becoming an "Indian in Hollywood." Learn more on his website,, or follow him on Twitter at @indianinhollywd or on Facebook at Indian in Hollywood.
Charles Quixote Choi is a science journalist who has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, Science, Nature, Scientific American, Popular Science, Inside Science, and, among others. He has also traveled to every continent and holds the rank of yondan in the Toyama-ryu battodo style of Japanese swordsmanship. His first sale, "By the Will of the Gods," appeared in the January-February-2021 issue of Analog.
Simon Christiansen is a writer and indie game designer living in Denmark.His fiction has appeared in anthologies of Danish science fiction, Lackington’s, and Nature Futures. He has also written several award-winning works of interactive fiction.More information about his work can be found at SiChris Productions.
Tanja Cilia is Maltese, Mediterranean, and European - in that order. She writes in between editing and proof-reading. Read more from her at paperjacketblog – This, that, and the other (
Fallon Clark is the book pal who helps you tell your story in your words and voice using editorial, coaching, writing, and project management expertise for revision assistance, one-on-one guidance, and ghostwriting for development. Her writing has been published in Flash Fiction Magazine. Check out her website,, or connect with her on LinkedIn or Substack.
Regina Clarke lives in the ancient terrain of the Hudson River Valley, and not very far from where Rod Serling grew up and Jane Roberts encountered Seth. Her background at one time was in the field of IT, writing about subjects engineers wanted to explain, including virtual reality, military surveillance software, and augmented reality. Some of these things have inspired her fiction. Her stories have appeared in Thrice Fiction, Kzine, Mad Scientist Journal, NewMyths, Aurora Wolf, Alien Dimensions, T. Gene Davis’s Speculative Blog, and The Farther Trees, among others. Her fantasy novel MARI was a finalist in the ListenUp Audiobooks competition and three of her stories have been featured on podcasts. You can see her books and story page, book trailer videos, and blog posts at Regina Clarke.
Charles Cline is a writer, filmmaker, and educator. His short fiction has been awarded prizes on, been featured in Bloodbath Literary Zine and his story, "Honeymoon," appeared in The Mystery Tribune, was short-listed for the 2023 Best American Mystery and Suspense collection, and was included in their list of "Other Distinguished Mystery and Suspense of 2022."
Jonathan's been a writer ever since he was old enough to toddle to Dad’s Selectric and plink out the phrase “It was a dark and stormy night” key by key (his parents thought he was a child prodigy; they never read Peanuts). Jonathan's worked as a technical writer, marketing writer, editor, blogger, court reporter, and pretty much every job where slinging words is involved. He is the writer and creator of the Lavender Tavern podcast.
I am a 75-year-old retired reference librarian with advanced librarianship and political science degrees. Despite always dreaming of being a fiction writer I never put pen to paper for that purpose until three years ago. Since then I have been fortunate to have published in several magazines, now including Metastellar. I grew up in New York City, attending CCNY, Rutgers, and NYU. I have since lived in several states and finally settled in a suburb of Philadelphia where I reside with my wife, Kate, and my cat, Muppet.
Elaine Midcoh (a pen name) is a short story writer and an award-winning author of science fiction. She’s a past winner of the Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award and “The Writers of the Future” contest. Her stories have appeared in the anthologies, “Writers of the Future, Volumes 37 & 39” (Galaxy Press, Nov. 2021 & May, 2023), and “Compelling Science Fiction Short Stories” (Flame Tree Press, Oct. 2022), and in the magazines/literary journals, Escape Pod, Galaxy’s Edge, Daily Science Fiction, Jewish Fiction .net, Flash Fiction Magazine and The Sunlight Press. Before jumping into writing, she worked as a college professor teaching criminal justice and law courses. You can visit her web page at: and can connect with her on Facebook @Elaine Midcoh. She is extremely happy to have her story published in MetaStellar!
Ryan Cole is a speculative fiction writer who lives in Virginia with his husband and snuggly pug child. He is a winner of the Writers of the Future Contest, and his recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Clarkesworld, Voyage YA by Uncharted, Gallery of Curiosities, and the Bram Stoker Award-nominated anthology Mother: Tales of Love and Terror (Weird Little Worlds Press). He is a full member of the SFWA and HWA. Find out more at
Logan Thrasher Collins is a synthetic biologist, futurist, and author. Logan’s science fiction and sci-fi poetry have been published in Abyss & Apex Magazine, Mithila Review, The Centropic Oracle, After Dinner Conversation, and elsewhere. You can learn more about Logan on his website
Russell Contreras is the justice and race reporter at Axios covering the policies and agencies at the heart of the administration of justice and how it impacts people of color. See all his stories here.
Georgia Cook is an illustrator and writer from London. She is the winner of the LISP 2020 Flash Fiction Prize, and has been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize and Reflex Fiction Award, among others. She has also written for numerous podcasts, webcomics and anthologies. She can be found on Twitter at @georgiacooked and on her website at
Fred Coppersmith's fiction has appeared previously or is forthcoming in Andromeda Spaceways, Stupefying Stories, and Bourbon Penn, among others. He toils by day the wilds of academic publishing and also edits and publishes the quarterly zine Kaleidotrope.
Ben Coppin lives in Ely in the UK with his wife and two teenage children. He works for one of the big tech companies. He's had a textbook on artificial intelligence published, as well as a number of short stories, mostly science fiction, but also horror, fairy tales and other things. All his published stories can be found listed here: Twitter: @bubbagrub
Danielle Cormier is a writer—of both stories and letters—living in Massachusetts. Her interests include fairy tales, artful envelopes, and genealogical breadcrumbs. You can find her on various socials: @ctegan
Susan Cornford is a retired public servant, living in Perth, Western Australia. She/her has pieces published or forthcoming in 365 tomorrows, Ab Terra Flash Fiction 2022, AHF Magazine, Akashic Books Fri Sci-fi, Altered Reality Magazine, Frost Zone Zine, Fudoki Magazine, Granfalloon Magazine, Theme of Absence, The Were-Traveler and Wyldblood Magazine.
Yelena Crane is a Ukrainian/Soviet born and USA-based writer, and incorporates influences from both her motherland and adopted home soil into her work. With an advanced degree in the sciences, she has followed her passions from mad scientist to science fiction writer. Her stories appear in Nature Futures, DSF, Third Flatiron, Flame Tree, and elsewhere. Follow her on twitter @Aelintari and Yelena Crane.
Scott Forbes Crawford is the author of the historical adventure novel Silk Road Centurion (“compulsive reading due to its many colorful characters and twisting plot points” – Taipei Times) and the forthcoming fantasy The Phoenix and the Firebird (“This romantic vision of a distant time and culture conjures up a tale of friendship, family, and magic … I was enchanted” – Gregory Maguire, author of Wicked). He has sold short stories - pulp, fantasy, horror, and mystery - to a range of magazines and anthologies. Crawford lives in Japan with his wife and daughter. Learn more at Scott Forbes Crawford.
Lyndsey Croal is an Edinburgh-based writer of speculative and strange fiction. She is a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Awardee, and her work has been published in several anthologies and magazines, including Mslexia's Best Women's Short Fiction 2021. In 2021, her debut audio drama was produced by the Alternative Stories & Fake Realities podcast, and she is currently editing Ghostlore: An Audio Fiction Anthology, with the same podcast. Find her on Twitter as @writerlynds or via Lyndsey Croal.
Merlin Crossley is the deputy vice-chancellor (Academic) and a professor of molecular biology at the University of New South Wales. He has also worked or studied at the Universities of Melbourne, Oxford, Harvard and Sydney. He has been recognized by numerous awards, including a Rhodes Scholarship, the Australian Academy of Science's Gottschalk Medal, and the NSW Premier's Prize for Excellence in Biomedical Sciences in 2020.
Daniel Crow is a Russian-Israeli journalist and public relations associate living in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Having grown up on Tolkien and Stephen King, he has long been in love with writing and all things fictional and grim, drawing inspiration from myths and folk tales of the past. His other passions include high-tech, history, and old comedy movies. Daniel Crow can be found on
Christopher T.. Dabrowski has published short stories, novels and anthologies all over the globe including the USA, Spain, Germany, Canada, Poland, and many more. Find his books on Amazon.
Karl Dandenell is a graduate of Viable Paradise and a Full Member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association. He and his family, plus their cat overlords, live on an island near San Francisco famous for its Victorian architecture and low speed limits. Follow his occasional posts and read more of his fiction at
Rick Danforth resides in Yorkshire, England, where he works as a Systems Architect to fund his writing habit. He’s had several short stories published in a variety of venues, including Hexagon and Translunar Traveler's Lounge. His story “Seller’s Remorse” was shortlisted for the 2022 British Science Fiction Association (BSFA) Award for Short Fiction.
Alyssa Barkevich, AKA Odera Darka, is a young women with goals for the future. She wants to learn to drive, take a baking classes and get a job working at a bakery. She makes jewelry and plays the tin whistle flute and other foreign instruments. One day she hopes to travel to different countries and learn about different cultures and their customs and even learn new languages. Her book, The Never, is published by Legacy Book Publishing.
Graham J. Darling's creations of diamond-hard sci-fic, mythopoeic fantasy and unearthly horror have escaped out of Vancouver Canada and are at large in the pages of Dark Matter Magazine and Brain Games: Stories to Astonish. Homeowners are advised to lock their doors and windows, and tune in here for survival tips:, on Twitter as @GrahamJDarling or on Facebook as GrahamJDarling.
Melissa Davilio is a self-taught poet and short fiction author.  She is a domestic violence survivor and awareness advocate, and resides in Bristol, Conn., with her husband, James, and their furry family.  More of her work can be viewed on her website.
Arthur Davis is a management consultant who has been quoted in The New York Times and in Crain’s New York Business, He has been published in a collection, nominated for a Pushcart Prize, received the 2018 Write Well Award, received Honorable Mention in The Best American Mystery Stories 2017. Additional background at Arthur Davis at, Poets and Writers, and Tales of Our
Hayley Davis is a writer and performer based in Birmingham, UK. She works across mediums including solo performance, short film, and short stories. Her work often uses the magical, the surreal, fairy tales and myths to explore the personal and the political. You can find out more about her at Hayley Davis.
Livia E. De Souza lives in Connecticut, where she writes horror and fantasy. Her short stories have appeared in Corner Bar Magazine, Bewildering Stories, and Penumbra. Her second novel, 'The Blackdog King,' comes out in May 2024, and she can be found online at Livia E. De Souza.
Jim DeLillo writes about tech, science, and travel. He is also an adventure photographer specializing in transporting imagery and descriptive narrative. He lives in Cedarburg, WI with his wife, Judy. In addition to his work for MetaStellar, he also writes a weekly article for Telescope Live.
D.C. Diamondopolous is an award-winning short story, and flash fiction writer with over 300 stories published internationally in print and online magazines, literary journals, and anthologies. Her stories have appeared in: Penmen Review, Progenitor, 34th Parallel, So It Goes: The Literary Journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, Lunch Ticket, and others. She was nominated for the Pushcart Prize twice in 2020 and also for Best of the Net Anthology in 2020 and 2017. Her short story collection Stepping Up is published by Impspired. She lives on the California central coast with her wife and animals. Her new book Captured UP Close: 20th Century Short Stories, is coming out in June, 2022. Find out more at
Nicholas Diehl (he/his) was born in Detroit, attended Michigan State University (B.A. in mathematics and history) and UC Davis (Ph.D. in philosophy), and teaches philosophy at Sacramento City College. He has published essays on narration, satire, and the relationship of narrative to philosophical practice in The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. An extremely photogenic corgi lives in his house.
Lilivette Domínguez-Torres is MetaStellar's marketing assistant and an aspiring book editor based in Puerto Rico. You can find her talking about fantasy books or K-dramas on Twitter at @lilivettedt.
Russell Dorn is an author from Reno, Nevada, who has short stories published in Third Flatiron's Infinite Lives anthology, Unnerving Magazine, Urhi’s anthology The Needle Drops..., and more. Visit his website Russell Dorn for more information or follow him on Amazon and Twitter.
James Dorr specializes in dark fantasy/horror, with forays into mystery and science fiction.  His The Tears of Isis was a 2013 Bram Stoker Award® nominee for Fiction Collection, with his most recent book, Avoid Seeing a Mouse, and Other Tales of the Real and Surreal, a January 2024 release from Alien Buddha Press.  Dorr has been a technical writer, an editor on a regional magazine, a full time non-fiction freelancer, and a semi-professional musician.  He currently harbors a Goth cat named Triana, and counts among his major influences Ray Bradbury, Edgar Allan Poe, Allen Ginsberg, and Bertolt Brecht. For more information, Dorr invites readers to visit his blog at James Dorr and at Facebook at James Dorr
Trey Dowell's fiction has appeared in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Abyss & Apex, and Intrinsick, in addition to several anthologies.  His debut novel, The Protectors, was published by Simon & Schuster in 2014.
Jelena Dunato is a writer and translator. You can find her on Twitter at @Jelenawrites.
Andrew writes science-fiction and fantasy from the state of Maryland, often drawing ideas from jogs through forest trails at sunrise. His work has previously appeared in AntipodeanSF, 365 Tomorrows, Daily Science Fiction, Penumbric Speculative Fiction, and in MetaStellar as reprints and MetaStellar Anthhology – his work has also short-listed in several writing contests. Andrew welcomes reader feedback at
Tony Dunnell lives in a Peruvian jungle town on the edge of the Amazon rainforest. He is a freelance writer, straying further into fiction with every passing day. You can read more of his writing at
Igor Dyachishin is a speculative fiction author living in Bryansk, Russia. He prefers to write science fiction, and his interest in science and philosophy is often reflected in his works. Among his favorite authors are Peter Watts, Greg Egan and China Miéville.
Tish Eastman reports about the paranormal and writes sci-fi short stories and novels. She is the co-editor of an anthology of Experiencer poetry, CE 1-7: Poetry of Contact, that is now accepting submissions at  Find, Like, and Follow her on on Facebook at @AlienManifest@ThatAintNoGhost, and @HotelReptilia. You can also follow her on Twitter at @TishEastman, on TikTok at @TishEastman, on Instagram at @TishEastmanon YouTube and on SoundCloud. And check out DragonTears Media if you're interested in her upcoming poetry anthology, CE 1-7, and want to see the submission guidelines.
Karen Eisenbrey (she/her) lives in Seattle, WA, where she leads a quiet, orderly life and invents stories to make up for it. Karen writes fantasy and science fiction novels, as well as short fiction and the occasional poem or song if it insists. Details at Karen Eisenbrey.
Darlene Eliot lives in California. Her work has appeared in Bellingham Review, Crow & Cross Keys, New Flash Fiction Review, Cleaver, Heavy Feather Review, and elsewhere. You can find her on Instagram @deliotwriter.
Zach Ellenberger is a writer based in Chicago where he lives with his wife and daughter. He has published several short stories in the horror genre as well as the historical fiction novel "Potato Kingdom" available in Ebook and paperback on Amazon. You can find his body of work at Zach Ellenberger.
Louis Evans is an author living in downtown NYC, so if nuclear apocalypse occurs, he'll be the first to let you know. His work has previously appeared in Nature: Futures, Analog SF&F, Interzone, and elsewhere. This story, which previously appeared in Interzone, was longlisted for the BSFA Award. Louis is a member of SFWA and the Clarion West ghost class of the plague year. His site is Louis Evans: Writer and he tweets Louis Evans.
Chinaza Eziaghighala is a medical doctor who tells stories. An interdisciplinary writer at the intersection of health, film, comics and literature, she is a University of Iowa International Writing Program and EbonyLife Creative Film Academy Alum. She won the 2021 Twelve Days of Brittle paper stories competition and was Longlisted for the 2020 African Writers Awards (AWA) and the Wakini Kuria Award. Her works are in/forthcoming British Science Fiction Association's Fission, African Writer, Brittle Paper, Afritondo and British Science Fiction Association's Focus. CHIMERA, her debut novella, is forthcoming in 2024 from Nosetouch Press. She is a member of the Science Fiction Writers Association of America, a First Reader for Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores and a Guest Nonfiction Editor for Please See Me. Connect with her here: or on her Twitter @chinazaezims
Tim Fairman lives in Iowa with his wife and three sons. He's been neglecting his love of fiction writing for too long, so he's back pursuing his passion.
William Falo lives in New Jersey with his family. His recent short stories can be found in Fragmented Voices, Dead Skunk Literary Magazine, Vamp Cat Magazine, and many other literary journals. He can be found on Twitter and Instagram.
Alex Farnsworth is a senior research scientist and visiting professor at the University of Bristol. His main focus centers on investigating past and future climate change and the impact of changing greenhouse gas concentrations and tectonic shifts on the evolution of global temperature, and more specifically, monsoon systems by using and modifying climate models.
Michael Farnsworth is a post-doctoral researcher at the Digitisation Lab for Manufacturing at Sheffield University, undertaking research and project management in manufacturing informatics, robotics, machine learning and AI.
Eric Farrell lives in Long Beach, California, where he works as a beer sales rep by day, and speculative fiction author by night. His writing credits stem from a career in journalism, where he reported for a host of local and metro newspapers in the greater Los Angeles area. He posts on Twitter @stygianspace and has recent fiction with Aphotic Realm, Haven Spec, and HyphenPunk.
P. A. Farrell is a Ph.D. psychologist, former associate editor at PW and King Features Syndicate, and published author with McGraw-Hill, Springer Publishing, Jimsom Weed, Birmingham Arts Journal, Woodcrest Magazine, Lit, Ravens Perch, Humans of the World, Active Muse. She lives on the East Coast of the US. Find out more at P. A. Farrell
Nathan J. Fealko grew up in a very sheltered environment, being homeschooled until he attended a private liberal arts college. After this, he rather overcompensated by enlisting in combat arms, spending several tours in Iraq. Nowadays, he's achieved a healthier life balance, living in Taiwan with his wife and son while teaching students online and writing in his spare time.
Alessandro Fedrizzi is a professor of physics at Heriot-Watt University. His research focuses on the development of photonic quantum technology and its application to experimental quantum information processing—from foundational research to quantum communication, computation and metrology.
Zary Fekete grew up in Hungary. He has a debut novella (Words on the Page) out with DarkWinter Lit Press and a short story collection (To Accept the Things I Cannot Change: Writing My Way Out of Addition) out with Creative Texts. He enjoys books, podcasts, and many many many films. Twitter and Instagram: @ZaryFekete
Jonathan Ficke lives outside of Milwaukee, Wis. with his wife and daughter. When he isn't writing, he turns lumber into sawdust and, when all goes according to plan, furniture. His fiction has been translated into Spanish and Estonian, and he muses online on Twitter at @jonficke and at
C. M. Fields is a queer, non-binary astrophysicist and writer of speculative fiction. They live in Seattle, Washington, with their beloved cats, Mostly Void Partially Stars and Toast, and spend their days looking for other Earths. They are also the co-editor of If There’s Anyone Left, an anthology series featuring the flash fiction of marginalized writers from across the globe. C. M. can be found on Twitter as @C_M_Fields and @toomanyspectra. Their fiction has appeared in Diabolical Plots, Metaphorosis, The Dread Machine, and more.
Joel Fishbane's novel "The Thunder of Giants" is now available from St. Martin’s Press. Find out more at his website, Joel Fishbane.
Darren Paul Fisher is a multi-award-winning screenwriter, director, producer and academic, and head of Film, Screen and Creative Media at Bond University, Australia.
A past Pushcart Prize nominee, Jennifer Lesh Fleck has work in The Sun Magazine, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, The Arcanist, MetaStellar, Creepy, Cosmic Horror Monthly's Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic anthology, and If There's Anyone Left. She lives in the Pacific Northwest in a home that's the spitting image of the Amityville Horror House, though repainted a cheery jade green. Much of her work is informed by the challenges of lifelong hidden disability from Marfan syndrome, a rare inherited disease. Find her @metal.and.mettle (Instagram), @jen_lesh_fleck (Twitter)
Eric Fomley's stories have appeared in Clarkesworld, Daily Science Fiction, Galaxy's Edge, and other places around the web. More of his stories can be found on his website Eric Fomley or in his anthologies Portals and Flash Futures.
E. M. Foner is the author of 30 science fiction and fantasy novels, including the 19-book EarthCent Ambassador series. He published Game Ship: Origins in Kindle Vella under the name Morris Foner. Learn more at his website,
Ehsan Foroughi, chief technology officer at Security Compass, is an application security expert with more than 13 years of management and technical experience in security research. As an entrepreneur, he has also served as the founder and CTO of TELTUB, a successful telecommunication startup. 
E. S. Foster is a writer and graduate student at the University of Cambridge. Her work has been featured in a variety of literary journals and small presses. You can find out more about her and what she does at her blog, E. S. Foster.
Lisa Fox is a pharmaceutical market researcher by day and fiction writer by night. She thrives in the chaos of suburbia, residing in New Jersey (USA) with her husband, two sons, and Double-Doodle puppy. Her work has been featured in Metaphorosis, New Myths, Brilliant Flash Fiction, and Flash Fiction Magazine, among other journals and anthologies. You can find Lisa and her published work via her website Lisa Fox or on Twitter.
Melody Friedenthal is a librarian at a public library and a copyeditor for MetaStellar. In her spare time she's the chief bottle-washer for To Tell A Tale Writers' Group and is an affiliate member of the SFWA. Her work has been published in Tales From Shelf 804: an anthology, N3F, Bardsy, MetaStellar, and New Myths. She believes writing is a gateway drug, alpacas are cute, and dark chocolate is heaven.
Chad Gayle’s science fiction has appeared in Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, Inner Worlds, and The Colored Lens. In addition to teaching English at institutions in Texas and North Carolina, Chad has worked as a computer programmer, a graphic designer, and a freelance photographer. Proud father to two humans and three felines, he’s also an avid roller skater who can be found on fair weather days skating gleefully through the streets of New York, the city he calls home.
Adam Gaylord (he/him) lives in Colorado with a wife who is smarter than him, two monster children, and a cranky mutt dog. When not at work as an ecologist, he’s usually writing, baking, drawing comics, or some combination thereof. Look him up on GoodReads or find him on Twitter at @AuthorGaylord.
Sharmon Gazaway's work has appeared in The Forge Literary Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, New Myths, Metaphorosis, Enchanted Conversation Ghost Orchid Press, and also in the anthologies, Love Letters to Poe Volume 1, Dark Waters, and Wayward & Upward. Sharmon writes from the Deep South of the US where she lives beside a historic cemetery haunted by the wild cries of pileated woodpeckers--you can also find her on Instagram at @sharmongazaway.
Emma Louise Gill (she/her) is a neurodiverse British-Australian writer and coffee addict. Her words appear in DrabbleDark II, Etherea Magazine, and Where the Weird Things Are, among others. Find out more at Emma Louise Gill and on Twitter.
Marie Ginga, MetaStellar's reprints and excerpts editor, has been writing and publishing books for five years. She writes as Marie LeClaire in Magical Realism. She thinks there's a little bit of magic out there if you know where to look. You can find her books on Amazon.
Peter Goggin is associate professor of English at Arizona State University where he studies and teaches theories of literacy, environmental rhetoric, and sustainability.
Elana Gomel is an academic and a writer. She is the author of six academic books and numerous articles on subjects such as narrative theory, posthumanism, science fiction, Dickens, and serial killers. As a fiction writer, she has published more than a hundred fantasy and science fiction stories and four novels. She can be found on her website, Cities of Light and Darkness and on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Taliesin Gore’s poetry and fiction has appeared or is upcoming in various places, including BFS Horizons, Bleed Error, The Metaworker, and on YouTube at Horrorbabble. He has been a two-time Finalist in Omnidawn’s Fabulist Fiction Contest, and received an Honourable Mention in the Wergle Flomp Humour Poetry Contest.
Sophie is the deputy fiction editor of MetaStellar, and sometimes write book reviews too. She has her MFA from Emerson College and spends her free time reading and writing science fiction and fantasy. Her work can be found on MetaStellar, PageTurner, and on her website:
Andre Gouyneau was born in 1948 at Orleans in the Loire Valley. He currently lives in New Caledonia, an island in the South Pacific. An avid reader and lifetime dreamer, he eventually turned to writing.His work has a touch of the surreal and the ethereal about it. Often whimsical, always insightful, and thought-provoking, his work stems from his understanding of life and his love of the fictional characters and situations he creates.
Andrea Goyan is cohost of the MetaStellar YouTube channel's Long Lost Friends segment. She is also a writer, painter, performer, and Pilates teacher. Winner of the 2021 Roswell Award for Science Fiction, some of Andrea's recent stories can be found in The Molotov Cocktail, Dear Leader Tales, Luna Station Quarterly (issue 043), 365 tomorrows, and The Dark Sire. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, a dog, and two cats. Follow her on Facebook @Andrea Goyan Storyteller or on Twitter at @AndreaGoyan or check out her Amazon author page
Paul Alex Gray writes linear and interactive fiction starring sentient black holes, wayward sea monsters, curious AIs and more. His work has been published in Nature Futures, Andromeda Spaceways, PodCastle and others. Chat with him on Twitter @paulalexgray or visit his website Paul Alex Gary.
P.F. Grazioli was born in Perugia and, after having finished his studies as surveyor, he decides to travel to the USA where he continues his formation through various experiences in the cities of New York, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and St. Louis in Missouri. After publishing a collection of short stories entitled: Lost souls and a horror comedy, he is currently working on a horror story, set in America in the 1920s, entitled: The Mask of Madness. Some of his translated stories have been published in the past by a British and an American magazines, while others are featured in various Italian anthologies. The author’s interests also include Archaeology, Mythology, Esotericism, History, and Gothic/Horror/Fantasy/ Literature. Find out more on his Facebook page, and at Your Fire Magazine.
Kris Green lives in Florida with his wife and two-year old son. He writes daily and has published many short stories in publications such as Morpheus Tales, Flume, In Parentheses, Route 7 Review and more. He was a finalist for Chester B. Himes Memorial Fiction Contest and received an Honorable Mention from Allegory Ezine.
Hannah's work has appeared or is forthcoming in PseudoPod and The Dread Machine. She is a first reader for Fusion Fragment, hoards books, and competes in combat sports. She resides in North Carolina with her fiancé, a trio of cats, and a small flock of pigeons. Find her on Bluesky
Gordon Grice’s stories have lately appeared in Paramnesia (Grendel Press), Metaphorosis, and Horror Library Vol. 8. He reads creepy poems on a Youtube (@deadlykingdom). Find out more at
Jonathan Worlde’s novel Latex Monkey with Banana was winner of the Hollywood Discovery Award. He has over forty mostly speculative stories published in various journals, including Cirque Journal, Raven Review, Antietam Review and Gettysburg Review, most recently Mystery Tribune, Stupefying Stories, and Daily SF. He lives in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, and in his free time he performs blues and Americana music as Paul the Resonator.
Richard Gunderman is the Chancellor's Professor of Medicine, Liberal Arts, and Philanthropy at Indiana University.
Caren Gussoff Sumption's work has been published by Seal Press, Serpents Tail, Aqueduct Press, Abbadon, and Pink Narcissus, among others, and her short work's been in magazines like Interzone, Abyss & Apex, and Black Static. She occupies space south of Seattle, but spreads out on the Internet at
After a long career in artificial intelligence research at IBM, JPL, NASA, and Hughes, Chuck Hand now lives on a five-acre farm in Massachusetts and puts in a solid three hours a day writing, reads voraciously, and cautions new writers not to use long sentences. He is also one of the founding members of MetaStellar. Contact him at
Amanda Hard holds an MFA in creative writing from Murray State University in Kentucky. Her dark poetry and fiction have appeared in several magazines and  anthologies. She is a member of the Horror Writers Association and lives in the cornfields of southern Indiana with her husband and son.
Neil Harrison’s most recent stories have appeared in Pinyon Review and Panoplyzine. A former instructor of creative writing and the coordinator of the Visiting Writers Series at Northeast Community College, he lives in northeast Nebraska with his third drahthaar, the Happy Dog. Follow him on Facebook.
Bridget Haug plays with words at the edge of the world. Born and raised in France, she now lives in New Zealand where she sometimes writes down the untold stories lurking in her brain. Find out more at
Peter Cooper Hay is the pen name for Peter Bishop. He’s a retired science teacher, a Quaker, and a Wiccan/Pagan, and his eclectic background comes through in his writing, where hard science can weave together with mysticism, magic, and political intrigue. He lives with his wife in a ramshackle farmhouse in western Massachusetts, and when he's not writing he can usually be found in his workshop playing with his power tools.
Ted Hayden's stories have appeared in literary publications including "Newfound Journal," genre publications including "Andromeda Spaceways Magazine," and his "Nature: Futures" short "These 5 Books Go 6 Feet Deep" will be anthologized in an upcoming short story collection from the UK publisher Head of Zeus. Read more of his work at
Nik Hein lives in Tallinn, Estonia. He started writing in high school almost thirty years ago, although until recently he wasn't too interested in publishing. Find out more at Nik Hein on Medium and Nik Hein on Vocal Media.
Florian Heller was born in 1974 in Germany. His professional careers range from tool making over engineering to data science. He spent some time in Mexico, more time in the United States, a lot of time in China and a really long time in New Zealand. After having spent a decade abroad, he returned to Europe and settled down in Switzerland. His writing led to over 30 short story publications, which include two nominations for the major German science fiction award, Deutscher Science Fiction Preis, in 2011 and 2012 as well as publications and translations in Austria, Germany, China, Poland and the USA.
Dave Henrickson has a background in computers, engineering, and oceanography but always wanted to be a writer. He currently lives in Virginia with his wife Abbie, where he spends his free time writing, reading, and killing monsters. He was this year’s Grand Prize Winner in the L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future contest.
Ashley Herbert is a fantasy writer, avid reader, and mother of two. She writes freelance articles and is working on her first fantasy novel, The Crystal Finder. Visit her Facebook page to read some of her short stories, as well as excerpts from her new novel, and updates.
Henry Herz's speculative fiction short stories include Out, Damned Virus (Daily Science Fiction), Bar Mitzvah on Planet Latke (Coming of Age, Albert Whitman & Co.), The Crowe Family (Castle of Horror V, Castle Bridge Media), Demon Hunter Vashti (The Jewish Book of Horror, Denver Horror Collective), Alien with a Bad Attitude (Strangely Funny VIII, Mystery and Horror LLP), The Case of the Murderous Alien (Spirit Machine, Air and Nothingness Press), Maria & Maslow (Highlights for Children), A Proper Party (Ladybug Magazine). He's written ten picture books, including the critically acclaimed I Am Smoke.
Karen Heuler’s stories have appeared in over 130 literary and speculative magazines and anthologies, from Asimov’s to Conjunctions to Fantasy & Science Fiction, as well as a number of Best Of anthologies. Her most recent novel is The Splendid City (Angry Robot Books), a political satire with a ridiculous cat and a state that secedes from the U.S., and her latest short-story collection is A Slice of the Dark from Fairwood Press.
David A. Hewitt has at various times worked as a community-college professor, a martial arts instructor, a translator of Japanese, a cabinetmaker’s assistant, a pizza/subs/beer delivery guy, and a pet shop boy. His short fiction has appeared in Kaleidotrope, Metaphorosis, Underland Arcana, and Penumbric Speculative Fiction, and his novelette “The Great Wall of America” is available as a standalone book from Mithila Press. Find out more at Amazon and Facebook.
David Wesley Hill is an award-winning fiction writer with more than thirty stories published in the U.S. and internationally. In 1997 he was presented with the Golden Bridge award at the International Conference on Science Fiction in Beijing, and in 1999 he placed second in the Writers of the Future contest. In 2007, 2009, and 2011 Mr. Hill was awarded residencies at the Blue Mountain Center, a writers and artists retreat in the Adirondacks. He studied under Joseph Heller and Jack Cady and received a Masters in creative writing from the City University of New York.
Alicia Hilton is an author, editor, arbitrator, professor, and former FBI Special Agent. She believes in angels and demons, magic, and monsters. Her work has appeared in Back 2 OmniPark, Creepy Podcast, Daily Science Fiction, Eastern Iowa Review, Litro, MetaStellar, Mslexia, Neon, NonBinary Review, Space & Time, Unnerving, Vastarien, Year’s Best Hardcore Horror Volumes 4, 5 & 6, and elsewhere. She is a member of the Horror Writers Association, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association, and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association. Her website is Follow her on Twitter @aliciahilton01 and Blue Sky
Larry Hodges, of Germantown, MD, has over 200 short story sales (including 43 resales) and four SF novels. He's a graduate of the Odyssey and Taos Toolbox Writers Workshops, a member of Codexwriters, and a ping-pong aficionado. As a professional writer, he has 21 books and over 2200 published articles in 180+ different publications. He's also a member of the USA Table Tennis Hall of Fame, and claims to be the best table tennis player in Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, and the best science fiction writer in USA Table Tennis!!! Visit him at Larry Hodges.
Ernest Hogan is the author of High Aztech, Cortez on Jupiter, and Smoking Mirror Blues, his work has appeared in Analog, Amazing Stories, Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies, and most recently, Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology. Check out his website for more info.
J. Peri is a doctoral student in Astrophysics with a passion for imagining other worlds. In her research she studies what life might be like on far off planets, and in her writing she enjoys exploring the same question through the power of fiction. She is also the editor of the webcomic ForEach (
Kartik Hosanagar is a professor of operations, information and decisions at Wharton. His research focuses on the digital economy, in particular the impact of analytics and algorithms on consumers and society. He has co-founded two startups and serves on the boards or is an investor in many others. He is also the author of "A Human's Guide to Machine Intelligence." For more information, visit
Harold Hoss the penname of Blake Hoss. He is a graduate of USC Law with a passion for horror films. He most recently worked as a producer on the feature films Creep Box and The Unheard. The Unheard is streaming now on Shudder.
Phyllis Houseman was born in Detroit, served in the Peace Corps, Ecuador, and then taught Biology and Physical Science in Detroit and California schools. In a step into another career, she published several novels and short stories. Find out more at Phyllis Houseman and at her author page at Amazon.
Stephen Howard (he/him) is an English novelist and short story writer from Manchester, now living in Cheshire with his fiancée, Rachel, and their daughter, Flo. An English Literature and Creative Writing graduate from the Open University, his work has been published by Lost Boys Press, The No Sleep Podcast, and Dark Recesses Press, among others. He's also published one novel, a comic fantasy titled Beyond Misty Mountain, and one multi-genre short story collection titled Condemned To Be.  Find Stephen on Twitter @SteJHoward and on his website Stephen Howard. 
Brian Hugenbruch lives in Upstate New York with his wife and their pets. By day, he writes information security programs to protect your data on (and from) the internet. By night, he writes speculative fiction and poetry. You can find him on @Brian HugenbruchThe Lettersea, or at The Lettersea. No, he’s not sure how to say his last name, either.
L.N. Hunter is an ex-software engineer who took far too long to realise that writing fiction for humans is much more satisfying than making up stuff for computers. His short stories have appeared in places such as Short Édition’s Short Circuit and the Horrifying Tales of Wonder podcast, as well as anthologies War and Trickster’s Treats 3, and The Feather and the Lamp is his first novel. There have also been papers in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, which are probably somewhat less relevant and definitely less fun. When not writing, L.N. unwinds in a disorganised home in rural Cambridgeshire, UK, along with two cats and a soulmate.You can find more information or get in touch via Facebook, Amazon or  Goodreads.
Jess Hyslop is a British writer of fantasy, fabulism, and science fiction. Her short stories have appeared in venues such as Cossmass Infinities, Interzone, and Black Static. Jess can be found online at Offline, she resides in Oxford with a number of slowly decaying houseplants.
Chris Impey is a professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona and a past a past vice president of the American Astronomical Society. He is also the author of several popular science books that are available on Amazon. has published fiction in Penumbra Magazine, poetry in Sine Cera and has been a featured writer for Salt Lake City Public Library's Author In The House series. He writes and performs with Simple Simple, a storytelling troupe. nikki also runs his own original fiction podcast - Stray Country. Find out more about him and his work at Stray Country. Follow on Instagram at
Davin Ireland was born and bred in the south of England, but currently resides in the Netherlands. His fiction credits include stories published in over seventy print magazines and anthologies on both sides of the Atlantic, including Aeon, Underworlds, The Horror Express, Zahir, Pseudopod, Rogue Worlds, Storyteller Magazine and Something Wicked. You can visit his site at Davin Ireland.
Larry Ivkovich’s speculative fiction has been published in over twenty online and print publications, including Polis: Tales of the One City, Shoreline of Infinity, Across the Karman Line, and TV Gods: Summer Programming. Learn more at
Sarah Jackson writes gently unsettling stories. Her short fiction has been published by Translunar Travelers Lounge, Wyldblood Magazine, and Tales From Between. Her website is and you can find her on Mastodon at
Trina Jacobs was born on Halloween. Her friends say that explains a lot. She has been writing stories for as long as she could hold a pen. Find her on Facebook at @Trina Jacobs.
L. Jordan James was born in Florence, Ala. but grew up kicking around Brooklyn, NY. He is a veteran and has worked as a corrections officer for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. He currently works for the Veterans Administration and now kicks around Manhattan.
Nancy S. Jecker, PhD is a Professor of Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Washington School of Medicine and a Fulbright U.S. Scholar for South Africa (2021-2022). Dr. Jecker holds Adjunct Professorships at the University of Washington School of Law, Department of Global Health, and Department of Philosophy. Dr. Jecker is a Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg Department of Philosophy and Honorary Visiting Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Centre for Bioethics. She was awarded the PhD in Philosophy from the University of Washington, after first earning masters' degrees in Philosophy from both Stanford University and the University of Washington, and a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Stanford University.
Ai Jiang is a Chinese-Canadian writer and an immigrant from Fujian and often draws on cultures and landscapes of the lands she has walked for inspiration. Find her on Twitter and online at Ai Jiang.
MetaStellar social media manager Renay Intisar Jihad writes juvenile fiction, idiosyncratic short stories, inspirational and socially conscious poetry, and feature news articles. Jihad writes for the Muslim Journal, AF-AM Point of View newspaper,, and Visit her at
Torché Johnson is a lover of anime, storytelling, and dark concepts. She has combined these three elements and turned them into TheRemnant: This Is Not Flesh & Blood, a web manga she co-writes with her sister on Webtoons. When not writing, she's usually daydreaming about what to write next.
Born in rural western Kansas, Andrew Johnston discovered his Sinophilia while attending the University of Kansas. Subsequently, he has spent most of his adult life shuttling back and forth across the Pacific Ocean. He is currently based in Hefei, Anhui province. He has published short fiction in Daily Science Fiction, Nature: Futures and the Laughing at Shadows Anthology. You can learn more about his projects at
Tom Jolly is a retired astronautical/electrical engineer who spends his time writing SF and fantasy, designing board games, and creating obnoxious puzzles. His stories have appeared in Analog SF, Daily Science Fiction, Amazing Stories, MYTHIC, and a few anthologies, including As Told by Things, and Tales from the Pirate’s Cove. His fantasy and SF novels, “An Unusual Practice,” “A Game of Broken Minds,” and “Touched,” are available on Amazon. He lives in Santa Maria, California, with his wife Penny in a place where mountain lions and black bears still visit, especially if you own any chickens. You can discover more of his stories at Tom Jolly and follow him at Twitter or Facebook.
Esther L. Jones is Associate Provost and Dean of the Faculty at Clark University, where she is a tenured professor in the department of English and the E. Franklin Frazier Chair of African American Literature, Theory and Culture. Her research and teaching specializations include race, gender, health and medical ethics as represented in literature, especially science fiction and fantasy. She is the author of Medicine and Ethics in Black Women’s Speculative Fiction (2015), and the editor-in-chief for “Health Humanities in Global Context: Race and Ethnicity Across the World,” a reference text with Palgrave MacMillan.
Michael M. Jones lives in southwest Virginia with too many books, just enough cats, and a wife who keeps track of all his stupid ideas. His work has appeared in Constellary Tales, Mad Scientist Journal, and G is for Ghost. He is the editor of Scheherazade's Facade and Schoolbooks & Sorcery. For more, visit him at
Shelly Jones (she/they) is a Professor of English at a small college in upstate New York, where she teaches classes in mythology, folklore, and writing. Her speculative work has previously appeared in Podcastle, New Myths, The Future Fire, and elsewhere. Find them on Twitter @shellyjansen and
Lily Jones is a writer and artist who lives in Pittsburgh, PA.
Sian M. Jones received an MFA in fiction from Mills College. Her work has appeared in Quail Bell Magazine and Doubleback Review, among other publications. In her day job, she writes as clearly as she can about complex code. She occasionally updates her website jonessian.
Judith Judson's essays and reviews have appeared in the Washington Post, Pointe Magazine and the Journal of the National Dance Education Organization. She is a member of The Jane Austen Society of North America, the Rochester Speculative Literature Association, and the Kipling Society.
Joule K. Zelman lives in Seattle with two feline goblins and an ever-looming TBR pile. Follow her on Twitter at @vivapetronella and Instagram.
Kenneth M. Kapp was a Professor of Mathematics, a ceramicist, a welder, an IBMer, and yoga teacher. He lives with his wife in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, writing late at night in his man-cave. He enjoys chamber music and mysteries. He was a homebrewer for more than 50 years and runs whitewater rivers on the foam that's left. His essays appear online in and articles in Please visit kmkbooks for more information.
David Kariuki is a technology journalist who has a wide range of experience reporting about modern technology solutions. A graduate of Kenya's Moi University, he also writes for Hypergrid Business, Cleanleap, and has previously worked for Resources Quarterly and Construction Review. Email him at
John Andrew Karr (also John A. Karr) writes of the strange and spectacular. He is the author of a handful of independent and small press novels and novellas, including the latest installment in the Mars Wars trilogy: Annihilation Plan:(Mars Wars Book 3). His short stories have appeared in a variety of anthologies and online magazines.He’s a coastal North Carolina resident, IT worker, and all-around family guy. He is also an ardent believer in the quote from Carl van Doren (1885-1950), U.S. man of letters: Yes, it's hard to write, but it's harder not to. Visit his Amazon author page and visit his website.
Matthew Keeley is a writer and teacher from Glasgow, Scotland. He writes in various genres and his paranormal coming-of-age novel, The Stone in My Pocket, was published by The Conrad Press in 2021.
Jon Micheal Kelley's credits include stories in the multiple award-winning anthology Qualia Nous by Written Backwards Press, Firbolg Publishing's ambitious literary series Enter at Your Own Risk: Dark Muses, Spoken Silences, Sensorama by Eibonvale Press, and Triangulation: Lost Voices by Parsec Ink.   
E.E. King is cohost of the MetaStellar YouTube channel's Long Lost Friends segment. She is also a painter, performer, writer, and naturalist. She’ll do anything that won’t pay the bills, especially if it involves animals. Ray Bradbury called her stories “marvelously inventive, wildly funny and deeply thought-provoking. I cannot recommend them highly enough.” She’s been published widely, including Clarkesworld and Flametree. She also co-hosts The Long Lost Friends Show on MetaStellar's YouTube channel. Check out paintings, writing, musings, and books at and visit her author page on Amazon.
Rebekah King is a PhD student at the University of Cambridge writing a thesis on the figure of King Solomon in early modern drama. Rebekah has two masters' degrees: an MSt in English 1550-1700 from the University of Oxford, and the practice-led MA in Shakespeare and Creativity from the Shakespeare Institute, taught jointly with the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Michelle Ann King is a short story writer from Essex, England. Her stories of fantasy, science fiction, crime, and horror have appeared in over a hundred different venues, including Strange Horizons, Interzone, Black Static, and Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. Her collections are available in ebook and paperback from Amazon and other online retailers, and links to her published stories can be found at her website:
Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine, University of WashingtonMy research focuses on human electrophysiological and imaging correlates of behavior, disease, and interventions for epilepsy, movement disorders and pain.Areas of Interest: Brain-Computer Interfaces; Disorders of the Nervous System; Motor Systems and Sensorimotor Integration; Neural Circuits.
Jason Kocemba lives and writes in a house with two humans, one cat and one dog. He loves stories and is a lifelong creator and devourer of them. He is an optimist and has hope that he will learn from his mistakes. If you like, you can find out more at
Kenneth Kohl has published several short stories and articles for literary magazines, e-zines, and podcasts as well as two full-length novels. Kenneth lives in Columbus, Ohio with his beautiful wife, two sons, and an energetic shepherd dog named Daisy. When he is not at his computer working on his next novel, he is probably hiking, biking, or traveling the world. Kenneth's anthologies and novels may be found on Amazon or most local bookstores.
Chana Kohl works in Jerusalem in clinical research, traveling and writing in her spare time. Her short stories have appeared (or are forthcoming) in: 365 Tomorrows, AntipodeanSF, Ab Terra Flash Fiction, Planetside Anthology and Luna Station Quarterly. Follow her creative writing journey on Twitter @chanakohl and on her website Chana Kohl.
Ville V. Kokko is a Ph.D. student in philosophy and a fiction and nonfiction writer living in Turku, Finland. He has published several speculative fiction short stories in anthologies and magazines and on websites in both English and Finnish. See for more details on his fiction writing.
MetaStellar editor and publisher Maria Korolov is a science fiction novelist, writing stories set in a future virtual world. And, during the day, she is an award-winning freelance technology journalist who covers artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and enterprise virtual reality. See her Amazon author page here and follow her on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and check out her latest videos on the Maria Korolov YouTube channel. Email her at She is also the editor and publisher of Hypergrid Business, one of the top global sites covering virtual reality.
MetaStellar news editor Alex Korolov is also a freelance technology writer who covers AI, cybersecurity, and enterprise virtual reality. His stories have also been published at CIO magazine, Network World, Data Center Knowledge, and Hypergrid Business. Find him on Twitter at @KorolovAlex and on LinkedIn at Alex Korolov.
J.D. Kotzman lives in the Washington, D.C., area and works in the health policy field.  His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in The Chronos Chronicles (a project of Indie Authors Press), Dark Lane Anthology, Ink Stains (a project of Dark Alley Press), Shelter of Daylight, The Speculative Edge, and elsewhere.  Find more of his writing at J.D. Kotzman
Andrew Kozma’s fiction has been published in Escape Pod, HOAX, The Dread Machine, and Analog, and his second poetry book, Orphanotrophia, was published in 2021 by Cobalt Press. He lives in Houston and writes flash fiction postcards on Patreon, but you can find him haunting Twitter or Instagram or Mastodon.
Carl Kurlander wass a screenwriter on St. Elmo’s Fire, and TV writer and producer on NBC’s Saved by the Bell franchise who accepted an offer to teach at the University of Pittsburgh for what he thought would be a one year Hollywood sabbatical.
Jason Lairamore is a writer of science fiction, fantasy, and horror who lives in Oklahoma with his wife and their three children. He is a published finalist of the 2012 SQ Mag annual contest, winner of the 2013 Planetary Stories flash fiction contest, a third place winner of the 2015 SQ Mag annual contest, and a Writers of the Future contest Semi-Finalist. His work is both featured and forthcoming in over 90 publications.
Lauren Lang is a former broadcast journalist and current freelance photographer and videographer living in Denver, Col.. In her spare time, she writes fiction, cooks, bakes, crochets hats for stuffed animals, gardens with the intent of taking pictures of the flowers should they live, and terrorizes local residents by pretending to be a wildlife photographer and running through area parks with her camera screaming, “Birds!” Occasionally, she does actually take a picture of a bird. She can also occasionally be found in a tree with the birds.
Ike Lang stays awake at night wondering where all the aliens are.
A.E. Lanier is a middle school history teacher and fiction writer from Central Texas. She enjoys caves, silent reading, and other people’s cats. For more about her work, visit
Rich Larson was born in Galmi, Niger, has lived in Spain and Czech Republic, and currently writes from Montreal, Canada. He is the author of the novels Ymir and Annex, as well as the collection Tomorrow Factory. His fiction has appeared in over a dozen languages, including Polish, Italian, Romanian, and Japanese, and his translated collection La Fabrique des lendemains won the Grand Prix de L’Imaginaire. His short story “Ice” was adapted into an Emmy-winning episode of LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS. Find free reads and support his work at
Art Lasky is a retired computer programmer. After forty years of writing in COBOL and Assembler he decided to try writing in English; it’s much harder than it looks. His first novel is available from Jumpmaster Press.
Joseph P Laycock is an assistant professor of religious studies at Texas State University. He teaches courses on world religions, religion in America, new religious movements, and the intersection of religion and popular culture.
Marie LeClaire writes in Magical Realism. She has five novels available on She also writes short stories that appear on MetaStellar and on her website Marie LeClaire. She also has an anthology, Tales From Shelf 804, published in May 2023. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
Andrew Leonard is a married father of three residing in Illinois. A speculative fiction writer, his works are published or forthcoming in Utopia Science Fiction Magazine, Andromeda Spaceways, Sci-Fi Shorts, and Timber Ghost Press.
Sydney Levinson is a professional artist who specializes in traditional henna and digital art. She has been an avid science fiction and fantasy lover from a very young age.
Matthew "Max" Levinson is a 22-year-old pseudo -- as in uncommitted -- game design major at SUNY Canton, soon to become an English major. He lives in his mother’s basement as a proud pseudo-landlord, quickscoping at life from a distance online and progressively gathering his unpleasant items together while maintaining a bona fide professional pseudo-intellectual persona. He enjoys Team Fortress 2, baked salmon, seething while losing at chess online, trying new things, and spending lots of time on reflection, brooding, and plotting in general.
By day Eric Lewis is a research scientist weathering the latest rounds of mergers and layoffs and trying to remember how to be a person again after surviving grad school. His short fiction has been published in Nature, Cossmass Infinities, Electric Spec, Bards & Sages Quarterly, the anthologies Crash Code, Into Darkness Peering and Best Indie Speculative Fiction Vol. 1, the short story collection Tricks of the Blade as well as other venues detailed at His debut novel The Heron Kings is available from Flame Tree Press.
Carol comes from a Welsh background and works in sales. She consumes copious amounts of tea, the odd glass of Merlot and often finds herself in rooms wondering what she went there for.
Ashlee Lhamon has an impressive lunchbox collection and a tuxedo cat named Gumshoe. She's not on social media, but you can find her other work at 7x7, Cotton Xenomorph, and Tales to Terrify.
Eugene Lim is a professor in theoretical physics at King's College London.
Ben Lockwood has a Ph.D. in Geography from Indiana University, and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Penn State University. Ben’s work appears (or is forthcoming) in Tree and Stone Magazine, Creepy Podcast, Briefly Write, and Apocalypse Confidential. You can find Ben wasting time on Twitter and Instagram at @brlockwood.
Joshua Jones Lofflin’s writing has appeared in The Best Microfictions 2020, The Best Small Fictions 2019, The Cincinnati Review, CRAFT, Paper Darts, SmokeLong Quarterly, Split Lip Magazine, and elsewhere. He lives in Maryland. Find him on Twitter at @jnjoneswriter or visit his website at
MetaStellar reviews editor Amira Loutfi is an author and web designer. She is on a mission to craft excellent fantasy fiction that is inspired by late antiquity Arabia. You can join her monthly newsletter where she shares insider info, wips, and tons of cool stuff.
Brian K. Lowe is the author of over 20 stories and novels which he talks about on his website Graffiti on the Walls of Time. He lives in Southern California either a century too late or too early, but can't make up his mind which.
Tricia Lowther grew up in Liverpool, England. She has had fiction, non-fiction, and poetry published by various outlets, which include The NoSleep Podcast, The Third Corona Book of Horror Stories, and Tales from the Moonlit Path.
Soter Lucio is a great grandmother who does ironing for a living and writes horror at night. She lives alone and her hobbies are reading and writing. She's been published by Sirens Call, Weird Mask, Dark Chapter Press and Migla Press. She can be found on Twitter @JanSoter and on FaceBook at Soter Lucio.
K. T. Lyn lives in Maryland with her small but weird family. You can find her online on Twitter at @KTLynauthor.
Lou Lyons is a UK-based writer and editor. You can find her editing services on Fiverr at @loulyons and learn more about what she does on her website, at She is also currently working on a sci-fi thriller.
Malena Salazar Maciá is an award-winning Cuban writer of science fiction and fantasy. She has authored several novels, most recently Aliento de Dragón (2020). Translated by Toshiya Kamei, Malena’s short fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld, The Future Fire, Mithila Review, and elsewhere.
Edward Mack received an MFA in Creative Writing from Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked as a dating profile ghostwriter, a carpet salesman in Istanbul's Grand Bazaar, and a hired hand on a tobacco farm. He has published short fiction in “Flash: The International Short Story Magazine,” “Adelaide,” and “Sixfold," among others. He can be found at Edward Mack Books.
Sean MacKendrick splits his time between Colorado and Texas. When not writing he works as a data engineer.
K. MacMichael writes and lives in a small town in western Canada's Okanagan Valley. She has had over twenty short works published, including with Cirque, antilang, and Arachne Press.  For more information please visit
Jason E. Maddux is an aviation attorney, who uses writing speculative fiction and children's stories as a creative outlet each night once his two daughters are in bed. After spending his youth moving around the southeastern United States, he now resides in what some call Occupied Virginia. Follow him at Adventures in Writing Science Fiction and on Twitter @Jason_E_Maddux.
Romel Madray is a software developer, social media marketer and start up consigliere. He is also an experienced business consultant and accountant, and also writes and illustrates children's books. Check out his website at Romel Madray Art or visit his YouTube channel.
Jordan Maison is a Native American author, who's spent the past decade and a half writing about the entertainment industry, while working on his true passion for fiction writing (some of which you can read here). When not writing he enjoys time with his kids, drawing, and way too many movies.Find him online as '@JordanMaison' on just about all social media channels.
Victoria Male (she/her) has worked in creative development at The Montecito Picture Company and Graphic India. Her prose has appeared in a dozen literary magazines, including oranges Journal, The Chamber Magazine, Carolina Muse, The Icarus Writing Collective, and Retrospect Journal. She can be found at her website
Mehul Malik is a professor of physics at Heriot-Watt University. He's an experimental physicist working in the field of quantum optics and quantum information. His research interests include quantum entanglement, quantum imaging, quantum information, and high-dimensional quantum states of light.
S.R Malone is a writer living just outside Edinburgh, Scotland. He has been published in Synthetic Reality Magazine, 365 Tomorrows and Entropy-Squared. When he is not writing or reading, he likes to spend time with his family and their dog, going for walks in the Scottish wilderness. Get in touch on Instagram: s.r_malone
Katrinka Mannelly writes and lives in Fircrest, Wash. with her husband Brian, daughter Tigist, dog Queenie and cat Riptide. Her book, Section 130 is now alailable in hard cover and ebook format. Check out what she's up to at
John Mansfield is a disgruntled warehouse manager who longs to do something else. He lives with his wife, two kids, and mother-in-law near Atlanta, Georgia. Someday, he will escape to a farm in Vermont and live happily ever after. For now, he will settle for people reading his sloppy fiction stories. Only one story of his has been published so far (“Flotsam” was made into a podcast on The Other Stories Podcast, episode 78.3). He eagerly welcomes feedback and you can contact him at:
Paul March-Russell is the current editor of Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction, the general editor of SF Storyworlds (Gylphi Press), and an editorial advisor to Short Fiction in Theory and Practice and Journal of the Short Story in English. He is a Specialist Associate Lecturer in Comparative Literature, University of Kent.
Evan Marcroft is a speculative fiction writer from Sacramento California, currently operating out of Chicago with his wife. Evan uses his expensive degree in literary criticism to do menial data entry, and dreams of writing for video games, though he’ll settle for literature instead. His works of science fiction, fantasy, and spine-curdling horror can be found in a variety of venues, such as Pseudopod, Strange Horizons, and Asimov’s SF. Find a complete list of his published works on his website.
Jean-Luc Margot is a UCLA professor with joint appointments in the Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences and the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He is a planetary astronomer who conducts research on the properties of planetary bodies with a variety of spacecraft and telescopes. His research interests include the dynamics and geophysics of planetary bodies, radio and radar astronomy, and SETI.
Kelly Matsuura is an avid short story writer, with a focus on fantasy, horror, and literary fiction. She lives in Nagoya, Japan with her geeky husband.
Dennis Maulsby is a retired bank president living in Ames, Iowa, with his wife Ruth, a retired legal secretary, and his dog Charlie, a retired CIA operative. A son and grandson, Matt and Kaden, live in the Pacific Northwest. His poetry and short stories have appeared in numerous journals, including Star*Line, The North American Review, Haiku Journal, Spillway, The Hawai’i Pacific Review, and The Briarcliff Review (Pushcart Prize nomination). His award-winning books include three collections of poetry, two volumes of short stories, and a novel. Several of his poems have been individually published in online and print journals located in Sweden, Switzerland, China, India, the United Kingdom, and Russia. For more information, go to:
Jonathan May is a Research Associate Professor at the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Insitute, where he directs the Center for Useful Techniques Enhancing Language Applications Based on Natural And Meaningful Evidence. His research areas include natural language processing, specifically machine translation, dialogue, semantic parsing, and formal language theory. Jonathan May received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from USC in 2010. Prior to re-joining USC and the Information Sciences institute in 2014, he was a research scientist at SDL Language Weaver.
Matthew McAyeal is a writer from Portland, Oregon. His short stories have been published by Bards and Sages Quarterly, Fantasia Divinity Magazine, cc&d, The Fear of Monkeys, Danse Macabre, The Metaworker, Scarlet Leaf Magazine, Bewildering Stories, The Magazine of History & Fiction, Tall Tale TV, Fiction on the Web, and Necro Magazine. In 2008, two screenplays he wrote were semi-finalists in the Screenplay Festival.
Beth McCabe lives in the Tacoma, Washington area. Her stories and blogging have appeared in Andromeda Spaceways, Luna Station Quarterly, On the Premises, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Halfway Down the Stairs, Youth Imagination, and other publications.
LaVern Spencer McCarthy, has written and published nine books, five of poetry and four of fiction. Her work has appeared in Writers and Readers Magazine, Meadowlark Reader, Agape Review, Fenechty Publications Anthologies of Short Stories, From the Shadows, An Anthology of Short Stories, Visions International, Fresh Words Magazine. Wicked Shadows Press, Midnight Magazine and others. She is a life member of The Poetry Society of Texas and National Federation of State Poetry Societies, Inc. and has won state and national awards for her poetry. Find her books on Amazon.She resides in Blair Oklahoma where she is currently writing her fifth book of short stories.
Micháel McCormick's patronus is an owl. Mike's work in more than eighty magazines and anthologies has earned Best of the Net and Pushcart nominations and other awards. Connect with Mike at @mikemccormickauthor on Facebook or at his website Mike McCormick.
A. J. McCuaig is an aspiring author from Hudsonville, Michigan. Attending DePauw University for a degree in English Writing, McCuaig has been telling stories for as long as she has been alive. She has a special passion for the mysterious, the magical, and the mythical within any genre and looks forward to adding to the world’s collection of fiction.
Susan McDonough-Wachtman is a grandmother who has been writing all of her life.  “Well written,” “quirky sense of humor,” and “doesn’t fit a genre” are what editors and agents have been telling her for fifty years. Nevertheless, she persists. Susan lives in the Pacific Northwest with one cat and one husband. Follow her on her on her website Susan McDonough-Wachtman  , Twitter @SusanMcdWFacebook,  and Instagram.
Patrick McEvoy has had stories included in various comic book anthologies such as Emanata, Continental Cryptid and GuruKitty’s Once Upon a Time and Gateway to Beyond. Illustrated stories have also appeared in New Plains Review, Shift, Best of Penumbric Vol. 6, Murder Park After Dark Vol. 3 and on Slippery Elm's website. A short story has also appeared on Akashic Books’ website. In addition, short plays he wrote were chosen to be performed at the Players Theatre in New York as part of their various festivals (Sex, NYC and BOO) in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2019. And he wrote and directed short plays for Emerging Artists Theatre's New Works series in 2021 and 2022. A play anthology called What May Arise was also streamed June 30-July 6th 2022 as part of the Rogue Theater Festival. He wrote and directed Directions, which appeared in the 2022 Dream Up Festival, as well as Coordinates, which appeared in Chain Theatre's 2023 Winter Festival. Photography has also been exhibited with Exhibizone: Scenic, HMVC, Greenpoint Gallery, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, Molecule, riverSedge and Good Works Review.;;
Matt McHugh was born in suburban Pennsylvania, attended LaSalle University in Philadelphia, and after a few years as a Manhattanite, currently calls New Jersey home. Read more at his website Matt McHugh.
Tim McHugh writes sci-fi and fantasy. Though he currently works full time in the software industry, he has a love for stories with grey characters and moral ambiguity that tell us something about the world. His book A Voice for the Scavengers is now available on Amazon.
Katie McIvor's short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in magazines such as The Deadlands, Uncharted, Interzone, and Three-Lobed Burning Eye, and her three-story collection is out now with Ram Eye Press. You can find her on Twitter at @_McKatie_ or on her website at Katie McIvor.
Gary McKay is a speculative fiction writer from Northern Ireland. He’s had stories published in Kraxon Magazine, The Purple Breakfast Review and Tidbits, and can be found on Twitter at @GaryCMcKay.
A native New Yorker, Gracie C. McKeever has authored several novels, novellas and series most of which can be found at Siren Publishing under multiple sub-genres beneath the erotic romance umbrella. Her work has also appeared in the anthologies Sensuality: Caramel Flava II and Bold Strokes Books’ In Our Words and in Allegory Ezine, The Chamber Magazine, Pink Disco and MetaStellar, and aired on the award-winning horror fiction podcast Nightlight. Find her on Facebook, Instagram  and Twitter. Learn more at Gracie C. McKeever and @GracieCMcKeever. Find her books on Amazon.
Dafydd McKimm is a speculative short fiction writer whose work has appeared in publications such as Deep Magic, Daily Science Fiction, Kaleidotrope, Syntax & Salt, 600 Second Saga, Flash Fiction Online, The Best of British Science Fiction, The Best of British Fantasy, & elsewhere. He was born and grew up in Wales but now lives in Taipei, Taiwan. You can find him online at
Lindz McLeod is a queer, working-class, Scottish writer and editor who dabbles in the surreal. Her prose has been published by Apex, Catapult, Pseudopod, The Razor, and many more. Her work includes the short story collection TURDUCKEN (reprinted, 2023) and her debut novel BEAST (Brigids Gate Press, 2023). She is a full member of the SFWA, a Rogue Mentor to six talented mentees, and is represented by Laura Zats at Headwater Literary Management. 
Henry-James Meiring is a registered clinical psychologist and a doctoral candidate in the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Queensland. Research interests include psychoanalysis, evolutionary science, and the psychology of religion. His article "Thomas Robert Malthus, Naturalist of the Mind" was awarded the Annals of Science Best Paper Prize for 2019.
MV Melcer is a fiction writer and a filmmaker, with a primary interest in science fiction. Born in Poland, she has lived in the USA, the Netherlands and Belgium before settling in the United Kingdom. When not writing, she is working on a degree in astronomy and planetary sciences. You can find her on and on Twitter at @MVMelcer.
L. P. Melling currently writes from the East of England after academia and his legal career took him around the UK. He is a Writers of the Future finalist, with his short fiction appearing in ASM, DreamForge, and the Best of Anthology: The Future Looms. When not writing, he works for a legal charity in London that advises and supports victims of crime. Follow him on Twitter @l_lpmelling or at
R. Michael lives in rural Minnesota with his family.  His works have appeared in “Dark Recesses,” “Twenty-two Twenty-eight,” “Land Beyond the World Magazine,” and other publications. He enjoys reading, gaming, and walking with his border collie.
Scott Miller is a writer and artist who lives in a yurt, in a fen, in end-of-the-road Alaska. When not working, he's likely walking. His fiction has appeared in MetaStellar, The Cabinet of Heed, and Land Beyond the world. Check out his art and writings at Wooden Diamonds.
Patricia Miller is a US Navy veteran, sixth of ten kids, born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, and currently living in Wisconsin, Land of Cheese. She holds a BS in Education an MS in Library Science. Patricia started reading at 3 1/2 after becoming obsessed with Batman. She is a weaver, quilter, raiser of roses, maker who is hooked on QI, British murder villages and professional cycling. Patricia is on the spectrum and considers that as an asset to her writing. Patricia writes in many genres: science fiction, fantasy, horror, and romance and is currently in the query trenches with a middle grade ghost story. Publications include short fiction in numerous anthologies, Wyngraf, and Cinnabar Moth Literary Collection. Upcoming publications include short stories for Zooscape Magazine, Dastardly Damsels, and TouchPoint Press. She is a member of SFWA (Assoc.), CODEX, and a participant in FutureScapes 2022. A complete listing of Patricia's stories, occasional blog, and more info about her can be found on her website at: or on Twitter at @MillerTrish42
Devin Miller's fiction has appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Perihelion, Electric Spec, and many other magazines. His blog is at and you can follow him on Twitter @dmmiller4000. For his day job, he puts patients to sleep for surgeries and procedures... though hopefully not with his fiction.
Thomas Mixon has poems and stories in Epiphany, Channel, Lost Balloon, and elsewhere. He's a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee. He's trying to write a few books.
Mob writes, boulders, and codes. Find their work on the Tales to Terrify podcast, The Dread Machine, and Old Moon Quarterly. Twitter: @mob_writes
Marshall J. Moore is a writer, filmmaker, and martial artist born and raised on Kwajalein, a tiny Pacific island. He has traveled to nearly thirty countries, sold a thousand dollars' worth of teapots to Jackie Chan, and was once tracked down by a bounty hunter for owing $300 in overdue fees to the Los Angeles Public Library. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife Megan and their two cats.
Cristiane de Morais Smith, professor in theoretical physics at Utrecht University, works on condensed matter physics, more specifically on strongly correlated systems. Her research spans a large variety of lowdimensional quantum systems, ranging from high-temperature superconductors to quantum Hall systems, graphene, and carbon nanotubes.
MetaStellar fiction editor Geordie Morse works primarily as a personal language coach, developing curricula and working with clients remotely. His first book, Renna's Crossing, is out now. His various other projects are cataloged on his site Arnamantle.
Alex Mueller is a recent graduate with an honors bachelor in creative writing and publishing, He has been writing since he was six years old. His favorite genres include fantasy, science fiction, and, more recently, romance. When not writing, he enjoys hiking, spending time with his dog -- or anyone else’s -- and baking brownies.
Sam Muller loves dogs and books. I will Paint the Night, a YA fantasy cum murder mystery, is her first novel. You can find it on Amazon.  You can find some of her published stories at these free links: Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, Apparition Literary MagazineTruancy Magazine, Critical Read, Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores.
Melanie Mulrooney lives in Nova Scotia with her husband and a gaggle of kids. When not writing stories, she can be found with her nose in a book, researching her latest special interest, or begging her family to play a board game. Find her at Melanie Mulrooney.
A. L. Munson is a SFWA associate member and an HWA affiliate member whose work has appeared in Brigids Gate Press’s Seers and Sibyls anthology and Cosmic Horror Monthly. You can find her at or on Twitter @A_L_Munson.
Nina Munteanu is a Canadian ecologist, novelist and award-winning short story author of eco-fiction, science fiction and fantasy. Her short work has appeared in Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine, Chiaroscuro, subTerrain, Apex Magazine, Metastellar, and several anthologies. She teaches writing at the University of Toronto and currently has ten novels published and several non-fiction books on writing and science.
Brendan Murphy is a photographer and digital artist who teaches in the Bachelor of Digital Media program at Central Queensland University.
James Musgrave has been in a Bram Stoker Finalist anthology, and he’s won the First Place Blue Ribbon for Best Historical Mystery, Forevermore, at the Chanticleer International Book Awards. His most recent publication, “Voices,” is in Madame Gray’s Poe-Pourri of Terror, third edition, Hellbound Books. “Bug Motel,” is the first story in the Toilet Zone 3 Horror Anthology, Hellbound Books. "Jasmine," is in the anthology Draw Down the Moon published by Propertius Press. His adult short fiction anthology Valley of the Dogs, Dark Stories, won the Silver Medal at the 2021 Reader's Favorite international contest. Two of his historical mystery series are published through and curated by the American Library Association's He has an MFA from San Diego State. See more at EMRE Publishing
N.T. Narbutovskih is a bestselling author and writes in the tech and security fields. His work has appeared in Metastellar, Air and Space Power Journal and Over the Horizon Journal for both fiction and non-fiction, and he has spoken on leadership and geopolitics at the USAF Squadron Officer School and NavyCON. His first book, Steel in the Blood, has received rave reviews and is available now wherever books are sold. Join his mailing list for exclusive early access and an opportunity to pre-order his next book at
Dick Narvett retired from a life in international business and independent film acting. He currently lives in rural Pennsylvania, where he writes flash fiction and poetry. His work can be found in MetaStellar, 365 Tomorrows, Star*Line and Better Than Starbucks, among others.
Gibson Ncube has a doctorate from Stellenbosch University and a bachelors and a masters from the University of Zimbabwe. He has received the the African Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies, the Iso Lomso Fellowship at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, and the National Humanities Fellowship in North Carolina. His research interests are in gender and queer studies, comparative literature and cultural studies.
Steven M Nedeau lives in NH with his family. He holds a BS in Engineering from UNH and works as an Analog Layout Mask Designer.  Steven likes to twist his stories into mind bending tales reminiscent of Black Mirror or The Twilight Zone and has been compared favorably to Patrick Rothfuss and Terry Goodkind.
When Bret Nelson isn’t writing stories, he works on TV programs, movies, and stage shows. Plus video and tabletop games. And TOYS. Right now, he’s working on things he can’t talk about (that’s what the contracts say). You'll find more of his stories in the collection Lumber and Other Tales.
David Nepentes is writer of science fiction, horror, and speculative myths. He has worked as a second language instructor, an English-Spanish medical translator, and handbill passer. Also at times as an aspiring musician, actor, and slam poet, a day laborer, cashier, bagger, and an office worker. Find out more on his website David Nepentes and on his Amazon page.
Maggie Nerz Iribarne is 53, lives in Syracuse, NY, writes about witches, cleaning ladies, priests/nuns, struggling teachers, neighborhood ghosts, and other things. She keeps a portfolio of her published work at Maggie Nerz Iribarne.
Wendy Nikel is a speculative fiction author with a degree in elementary education, a fondness for road trips, and a terrible habit of forgetting where she's left her cup of tea. Her short fiction has been published by Analog, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, and elsewhere. Get her time travel novella The Continuum on Amazon. It is part of the Place in Time series. Also check out her fantasy short story collection Impossible Realms and her sci-fi short story collection Perilous Stars. For more info, visit
George Nikolopoulos is a speculative fiction writer from Athens, Greece, and a member of Codex Writers' Group. His short stories have been published in over 60 magazines and anthologies including Galaxy's Edge, Nature, Daily Science Fiction, Factor Four, Dream Forge, Best Vegan SFF, and The Year's Best Military & Adventure SF. Find his books on Amazon and learn more at
Spencer Nitkey is a writer, researcher, and weirdo living in New Jersey. His writing has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Fusion Fragment, Metaphorosis, Corvid Queen, Write Ahead/The Future Looms, and others.
Kristin Noland is a developmental and line editor who works with women authors of speculative and crime fiction. At Noland Editing, she expertly guides authors through the writing and editing process to strengthen their storytelling skills, so their readers are entertained and immersed in their stories from cover to cover. With over seventy manuscripts edited, including two bestsellers, and her caring and encouraging editing style, she helps her clients create captivating novels. Follow her on YouTube at @KristinNoland.
Carla Nordlund is a freelance developmental editor, book coach, and writer. She works with authors of fantasy, historical fiction, and romance to strengthen both their manuscripts and writing practice. You can find her on Twitter at @silverrunedit for writing tips and puppy nose boops; and at Silver Run Editing to collaborate on a developmental edit, manuscript assessment, beta read, or coaching.
Jeff Norton is the author of MetaWars: Fight For the Future, its three sequels and six other novels. He is also a successful film and television producer and the founder of IP and production company Dominion of Drama. He is online at and tweets as @thejeffnorton.
Alan Edward Nourse (1928 – 1992) was an American science fiction writer and physician. who wrote both juvenile and adult science fiction, as well as nonfiction works about medicine and science. His pen names included Al Edwards and Doctor X. He is the author of the 1974 novel The Bladerunner, whose title -- but not plot or characters -- was used in the move Blade Runner, based on Philip K. Dick's story "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep."
Uchechukwu Nwaka studies Medicine and Surgery at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. His work is set to appear in Occult Detective Magazine, Cossmass Infinities and Mythaxis Magazine. When he’s not trying to unravel the mysteries of human (or inhuman) interaction, he can be found working on his first novel, or generally trying to catch up on schoolwork. Find him on Twitter.
Hugh J. O’Donnell (he/they) writes fiction, produces podcasts, and likes things. His work has appeared in The No Sleep Podcast, Quoth the Raven, and Andromeda Spaceways, among others. He is also the author of the novella The City: A Story in 140 Characters. He is currently producing Everyday Drabbles, an ongoing daily flash fiction project. His greatest achievement thus far has been winning Carl Kasell’s voice on his voicemail. O’Donnell lives in Western New York with his husband, cats, and obsolete video game consoles. You can find more of his work online at
CHRISTOPHER O‘HALLORAN (he/him) is a milk-slinging, Canadian actor-turned-author with work published or forthcoming from Kaleidotrope, No Sleep Podcast, Cosmic Horror Monthly, Hellbound Books, and others. Follow him on Twitter @BungleInfernal or visit for stories, reviews, and updates on upcoming novels.
Ursula O’Reilly is a writer/artist living in County Cavan, Ireland. She is the author of numerous poems and short stories. Other interests include painting, reading, and walking in nature.Ursula’s work has appeared online and in various literary magazines including: ‘Dawntreader Magazine’, ‘Vita Brevis Press’, ‘The Literary Yard’, ‘Poetry Plus magazine’, ‘Woman’s Way magazine’, ‘Young Ravens Literary Review’, ‘Otherwise Engaged Literary and Arts Journal’, ‘Personal Bests Journal ’and by ‘Earlyworks Press’.
A. L. O’Connor is an Air Force brat who has lived in five different countries on three different continents. She has written a Historical/Fantasy novel, The Eagle in Green Man’s Clearing and is currently working on the sequel. She also writes short stories and runs the History Writes Itself blog.
Aimee Ogden is a former science teacher and software tester; now she writes stories about sad astronauts and angry princesses. Her fiction has appeared in Fireside, Analog, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and her novella "Sun-Daughters, Sea-Daughters" is coming from in 2021.
My work has been included in a few literary magazines such as The Furious Gazelle and The Scarlet Leaf Review as well as a few anthologies for Savage Realms Press, Crimson Pinnacle Press, Ill-Advised Records (The Dark Door Issue #2), as well as Volume 1 of the Chilling Tales for Dark Nights Anthology. I also have a pending publication for a charity anthology coming through the Great Lakes Horror Anthology (GLAHW).
J.A. Pak is the author of Lottie & the Temple Cat Quahr and Romance of the 3 Djinn. Her writing has been published in Litro, Lunch Ticket, Joyland, etc. More of her work can be seen at Triple Eight Palace of Dreams & Happiness
Haxhi Pantina is an international physics student at the University of Vienna. Follow him on LinkedIn.
Stephanie Parent is a writer who, like the heroine of this story, always dreamed of becoming a ballerina. Her short horror fiction has been published by Cemetery Gates Media and Not Deer Magazine. Connect with her on Twitter at @SC_Parent.
Avery Parks is a SFF writer of short fiction. Her work has placed in multiple contests, including the Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award. She lives in Texas with her family, a variety of pets, and -- according to some -- too many books. You can find her on Twitter at @parks_writes.
Rhonda Parrish is constantly creating shiny new poems and stories. She hoards them, like a magpie dragon, at– the only place in the multiverse many of them can be found..
Robert Palatano is an archaeologist and biological anthropologist who specializes in early human paleoecology, and a researcher in the isoTROPIC Research Group at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology.
Stephen Patrick's stories have appeared in Dark Recesses Press, The Writer's Post Journal, Aphelion, and Bewildering Stories among others. His most recent work appears in the anthologies Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers, vol 1 and vol 2. He currently lives near Dallas, TX.
H.V. Patterson (she/her) lives in Oklahoma and writes horror poetry and fiction. She has been published by Sliced Up Press, Not Deer Magazine, Horror Tree, Dread Stone Press, Shacklebound Books, and Etherea Magazine, and has pieces upcoming in collections from Black Spot Books and Creature Publishing. When she isn’t writing, she likes to hike, bake, and do puzzles. She promotes women in horror through Dreadfulesque (@Dreadfulesque on Twitter and Instagram), and you can follow her on Twitter @ScaryShelley.
Tobey Patton is a dystopian and literary writer, currently finishing his senior year at Dickinson College. You can read his writing in the soon-to-be published Eggbox Yearly Undergraduate Anthology. Contact him via email at
Sarah Pauling spent several years sending other people to distant places for a living as a study abroad advisor in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She’s now in Seattle, graciously sharing her home with two cats and a husband. A graduate of the Viable Paradise workshop, her stories have appeared in places like Strange Horizons, Escape Pod, and Clarkesworld. If approached without sudden movement, she can be found at _PaulingS on Twitter, where she natters on about writing, tabletop gaming, comics, and books.
Andrea M. Pawley lives and writes in Washington D.C., far from the reavers outside the Beltway. She's on twitter @andreapawley and blogs at
Jessica Peter writes dark, haunted, and sometimes absurd short stories, novels, and poems. She lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. You can find her writing, now or soon, in LampLight Magazine, Haven Speculative,  and Brigid’s Gate anthologies, among other places. You can find out more about her and her work at or @JessicaPeter1 on Twitter.
Kirstyn Petras is a Brooklyn-based fiction writer but primarily identifies as caffeine in a human suit held together by hair spray and sheer force of will. She has been published in Punk NoirHoosier NoirAlien Buddha Press, City Lights Theatre Company, and A Thin Slice of Anxiety. Her debut novel, The Next Witness, was released in 2022 by Cinnabar Moth Publishing. When not writing, she trains contortion and aerial hoop. She is also the co-host of Dark Waters, a literary podcast exploring all that is dark, dreary, and wonderfully twisted. You can find her on Twitter and check out her work on her
Michael Picco has received numerous accolades for his brand of “literary” horror. Michael’s work has been described as “eloquently-written terror” and explores "the dark and disturbing recesses of what is possible.”Michael received his B.A. in English from Western State College in Colorado. He is a member of the Denver Horror Collective, and the Colorado Independent Publishers Association. His most recent publishing credit, "The Horse Leech Has Two Maws" appears in The Jewish Book of Horror. He is currently working on "These Wretched Bones" — a revision and expansion of some of his most popular published work. You can find out more about him by visiting Michael Picco.
Marisca Pichette is a queer creator of monsters and magic. Her work has appeared and is forthcoming in Strange Horizons, Fireside Magazine, Fusion Fragment, Apparition Lit, Uncharted Magazine, PseudoPod, and PodCastle, among others. She lives in Western Massachusetts, collecting fragments.
Sam W. Pisciotta lives in Colorado. After years of difficult training in daydreaming and doodling, he now calls himself a writer and visual artist. Thousands of cups of coffee and hours of contemplation have prepared him to pull worlds from the ether. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram at silo34. Visit his website at
Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, poet, editor, and literary critic. Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and the macabre.
William Campbell Powell lives in a small Buckinghamshire village in England. By day he works in software development. By night he writes YA, Speculative and Historical Fiction. His debut novel, EXPIRATION DAY, was published by Tor Teen in 2014 and won the 2015 Hal Clement Award for "Excellence in Children's Science Fiction Literature" - and Gabrielle de Cuir's narration of the audiobook won a 2016 AudioFile Magazine Earphones award.
Shantell Powell is a two-spirit swamp hag and elder goth raised in an apocalyptic cult on the land and off the grid. She’s a graduate of the Writers’ Studio at Simon Fraser University and her writing is in Augur Magazine, The Deadlands, SolarPunk Magazine, and more.
Jessica Pressman is a Professor of English and Comparative Literature at San Diego State University, where she co-founded SDSU’s Digital Humanities Initiative. She is the author of "Bookishness: Loving Books in a Digital Age" (Columbia UP, 2020), "Digital Modernism: Making It New in New Media" (Oxford University Press, 2014), co-author, with Mark C. Marino and Jeremy Douglass, of "ReadingProject: A Collaborative Analysis of William Poundstone’s Project for Tachistoscope" {Bottomless Pit} (University of Iowa Press, 2015). She co-edited two volumes: "Comparative Textual Media: Transforming the Humanities in the Postprint Era" (University of Minnesota Press, 2013) with N. Katherine Hayles and "Book Presence in a Digital Age" (Bloomsbury Press, 2018) with Kiene Brillenburg Wurth and Kári Driscoll.
Chris Preston is a writer of fiction and creative non-fiction from Ontario, Canada. Formal studies include University of Toronto’s Creative Writing program, as well as various workshops. You can currently see work by Chris within Mystery Weekly, SERIAL magazine, and Asymmetry Fiction. To find out more, feel free to visit See Preston Write. You may also follow Chris on Twitter.
Tom Preston (he/him) is a writer from Dorset, UK. His short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Hearth & Coffin Literary Journal, Litro Online, Dark Horses Magazine and Dagda Publishing. Two of his poems were featured in Forward Poetry's 'Light Up the Dark' edition. He lives in London. 
Josephine grew up in England and now lives in the northeast corner of the US. She writes flash fiction and short stories which tend towards the darker side of storytelling. 
Timothy Quinn is an author and technologist whose work has appeared in The New Orleans Review, The Antigonish Review, Nature:Futures, Red Wheelbarrow, Whiskey Island Magazine and The Portland Review, among others. He lives and works in Toronto, is a frequent speaker at conferences around the world on a variety of topics pertaining to science and technology, and posts at Timothy Quinn.
Andy Rafferty lives in the north-west of England with his partner and cat. In his day job he works for Profound Decisions, a live-roleplaying company creating scenarios that give people opportunities to argue with each other. In his spare time he writes about things that scare him and panders to his cat. Support him on Patreon and you can also find him on Twitter at @wulfboyraff.
Lucien Rapp lectures at the University of Toulouse and is also the scientific director of SIRIUS, the Space Institute for Research on Innovative Uses of Satellites. He has authored, to date, ten books and produced more than a hundred scientific works.
Ravinder Dahiya is a professor of electronics and nanoengineering at the University of Glasgow and the leader of Bendable Electronics and Sensing Technologies research group. He is also the president-elect of the IEEE Sensors Council.
Melissa Ren is a Chinese-Canadian writer whose narratives tend to explore the intersection between belonging and becoming. She is a prize recipient of Room Magazine's Fiction Contest, and an editor at Tales & Feathers. Find her publications at Melissa Ren or follow @melisfluous on Twitter & Instagram.
Ramprasath is a computer engineer and writer working on science fiction short stories and novels. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, since 2014. His work has appeared in Aphelion SF&F, Sci-Fi Shorts, Metastellar, Quailbell, Boston Literary Magazine, and Madswirl. Reach him at
Larry Richardson lives in west Texas. He served in the U.S. army for twenty years, after which he was a registered nurse until his retirement. His writing is focused on the interaction of humans and human-like androids.
Chris Riley lives near Sacramento, Cal., vowing one day to move back to the Pacific Northwest. In the meantime, he teaches special education, writes cool stories, and hides from the blasting heat for six months of the year. He has had over 100 short stories published in various magazines and anthologies, and across various genres. His debut novel, one of literary suspense, titled The Sinking of the Angie Piper, was published in 2017 and his debut short story collection is forthcoming with Mount Abraxas Press. For more information, go to
Austin Roberts has an MFA, an MBA, and a skill set made largely irrelevant by the Industrial Revolution. When not writing, he practices swordsmanship, lock picking, and forges custom knives (and may teach his son skills that inevitably result in calls home from teachers). Find out more at Austin Charles Roberts
E.J. Robison is an author, musician, and avid reader who lives in Central Florida. She has been telling stories since she could form sentences, and you can find all of her whimsical works at E. J. Robison.
Stephen A. Roddewig is an award-winning author from Arlington, Virginia. For more thriller books and stories, stop by
Joey Rodriguez is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University, primarily working on the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission. His research focuses on understanding how planets form and evolve by studying circumstellar disks and exoplanets.
Tristan lives with his lovely wife Sarah and their son Rhett in Texas. Visit his website at
Louis B. Rosenberg is the author of three graphic novels, Upgrade, Eons, and Monkey Room from Outland Publishing, a surreal picture book for adults about artificial intelligence, Arrival Mind, and an award-winning web series, Lab Rats.  He is also a well-known AI researcher who tries hard to instill his fiction with genuine issues facing today's technologists. His popular TED talk about the dangers of AI combines fact and sci-fi.
James Rowland is a New Zealand-based, British-born writer. His work has previously appeared at Strange Horizons, Aurealis, and Compelling Science Fiction. When he's not moonlighting as a writer of magical, strange or futuristic stories, he works as an intellectual property lawyer. Besides writing, he enjoys travel, photography, reading, and the most inexplicable and greatest of all sports: cricket. You can find more of his work at his website
Aeryn Rudel is a writer from Seattle, Washington. He is the author of the Acts of War novels published by Privateer Press, and his short fiction has appeared in The ArcanistOn Spec, and Pseudopod, among others. He occasionally offers dubious advice on writing and rejection (mostly rejection) at and on Twitter at @Aeryn_Rudel.
Robert Runté is Senior Editor with specializing in SF&F. A retired professor, he has won three Aurora Awards for his literary criticism and currently reviews for The Ottawa Review of Books. His own fiction has been published in over forty venues and six of his short stories have been reprinted in ‘best of' collections, most recently, the Best of Metastellar Year One.
John Ryland lives and works in Northport Alabama where he writes poetry, short stories, and longer works. Some of his latest work has appeared in Bewildering Stories, Otherwise Engaged, The Eldritch Journal, the Chamber Magazine, and others. He has published two novels, Souls Harbor and Shatter, as well as a collection of short stories, Southern Gothic. Two of his novels, The Man with No Eyes, and Peripheral will be published in 2022.
Audri Salinas is an Hispanic writer of science fiction and fantasy. She's worked for seven years as an assistant at the NYC Pitch Conference and editor at Del Sol Press and her novels are currently represented by the Talcott Notch Literary Agency. When not writing, she can usually be found entertaining her pandemic puppy.More about her can be found at
Kevin Sandefur is the Capital Projects Accountant for the Champaign Unit 4 School District and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Studies in Creative Writing at the University of Iowa. His fiction has appeared in The Saturday Evening Post, The Gateway Review, and Pulp Literature.
Jessica Sarlin (she/her) is a freelance writer and artist from New Jersey. She takes her stories like her coffee: murky, heartwarming, and full of anxiety. In her spare time, she tortures plants and makes messes in the kitchen. Her work can be found in Door Is a Jar Literary Magazine, The Saturday Evening Post, Dark Recesses Magazine, Coffin Bell Journal, and Gargantua. Find out more on her website, JessSarlinWriter, or on her Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Threads.
Rory Say is a Canadian fiction writer from Victoria, BC, currently surviving somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. Stories of his have recently appeared in Lucent Dreaming, Flash Frog, Short Fiction: The Visual Literary Journal, as well as on podcasts such as NoSleep, Tales to Terrify, and Nocturnal Transmissions. "Vivian's First Secret" originally appeared in the fantasy e-zine, Mirror Dance, April 2020.
S.J.C. Schreiber (she/her) lives with the elves and trolls (and her cats and horses) in Iceland, the perfect setting to write magical stories where fantasy collides with reality. Her work appears in various magazines and anthologies, two self-published ebooks, and was shortlisted in the Furious Fiction Contest by the Australian Writers’ Centre. More information can be found on her author website at S.J.C. Schreiber.
MM Schreier is a classically trained vocalist who took up writing as therapy for a mid-life crisis. Whether contemporary or speculative fiction, favorite stories are rich in sensory details and weird twists. A firm believer that people are not always exclusively right- or left-brained, in addition to creative pursuits Schreier manages a robotics company and tutors maths and science to at-risk youth. Follow Schreier at on the web at or on Twitter at @NoD1v1ng.
Michael Schulman is a writer and editor. His short fiction recently appeared in  Bulb Culture CollectiveCommuterLit and Bewildering Stories.  He edits popular Korean web fiction for English-speaking audiences. He has an insatiable appetite for reading everything from the classics to cereal box comic strips. Currently, Michael is working on a novel about humanity's first voyage to a black hole and the unforeseen disturbances to the fabric of the universe. To get in touch with Michael, email
Community leader. Particle physicist. International Assassin. Mark J Schultis is none of these.  He wrote his first story in elementary school and has spent a lifetime keeping that childhood passion of storytelling alive, studying theater and film making before eventually earning his writing degree from the University of Pittsburgh. A perpetual night owl and pizza connoisseur, Mark was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he lives with his wife and their two children. You can follow Mark on Twitter @schultisscribe
Cynthia C. Scott is the award-winning author of The Book of Dreams series, The Haunted Child, and Immortal, My Love, and The Naxos Academy of Psychic Studies for Colored Girls. Her short story, "Ruby's Paradox," was the 2018 Fairfield Writing contest winner, which appears in Here to Now: A Time Travel Anthology, all of which can be found on Amazon. She currently lives in the SF Bay Area.
Born and raised in the South of France, J.F. Sebastian has been living and working in Toronto for the last 17 years. Writing in English, and under various pen names, has been a way for them to better explore and express their voice and identity beyond their social and professional selves. Their stories in English have been published in Ab Terra Flash Fiction Magazine, Bewildering Stories, Cloaked Press’s anthology Winter of Wonder and Sci-Fi Lampoon magazine. You can find them on Twitter at Space_Irukandji
A resident of North Carolina's Outer Banks, A.P. frequents an alternate universe not too different from your own, searching for that unique element that twists the everyday commonplace into the weird. When not writing fiction, he composes music, makes art, and strives to connect with his inner genius. He lives with his dog Kahlua and a nameless cat of unknown origins.
Sherry Shahan lives in a laid-back beach town in California where she grows carrot tops in ice cube trays for pesto. Her novel in free verse Purple Daze: A Far Out Trip, 1965features a tumultuous year in history. Shorter work has appeared in Oxford University Press, Los Angeles Times, Exposition Review, Confrontation, The Writerand forthcoming from Gargoyle, Gold Man Review, and F(r)iction. She holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts.
Patrick Shanley is an award-winning journalist and writer of fiction. He recently completed an anthology of short stories and is finishing his first novel. Find him on Substack and Twitter.
Deets Sharma is frankly just happy to be here. You can follow him on Medium, connect on LinkedIn, and reach out to him at
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was an English novelist who wrote the Gothic novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, which is considered an early example of science fiction.
Nina Shepardson is a scientist living in New England with her husband. Her short fiction appears or is forthcoming in Mirror Dance, Vastarien, and the anthology Twice-Told: A Collection of Doubles, among others. She also writes book reviews at
Zach Shephard's fiction is generally either bleak or humorous, without much of a middle-ground. His stories have appeared in places like Fantasy & Science Fiction, Flash Fiction Online and the Unidentified Funny Objects anthology series; for a complete list of published works, check out
Kyle was born in Missouri but doesn’t remember it. He grew up in Texas and bounced around a bit before ending up back there, for better or worse. He spends his days hanging out with his daughter, Harper, reading and writing, playing video games, and obsessively listening to death metal (send some recommendations his way!) He's been published by The Arcanist, Elegant Literature Magazine, Crystal Lake Publishing, Witch House Magazine, Bag of Bones Press, and Black Hare Press. He's also had works appear on The Other Stories horror podcast, and A Fistful of Demons, an anthology of the weird West.
Fraser Sherman used to live in Florida, but it turned out his future wife lived in Durham, NC. He's published five film-reference books and two dozen short stories, all listed on his website, Fraser Sherman's Blog.
Austin Shirey lives in Northern Virginia with his wife, Sarah, their two daughters, and two cats. His short fiction has appeared in The Saturday Evening Post, Haven Spec, Gone Lawn, The Dread Machine, and Orca, among others. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Lindenwood University. You can find his work online at and follow him on Twitter @tashirey87.
Arturo Sierra can be found in Santiago, Chile. So far, he has led an uninteresting life, and with any luck it will remain that way indefinitely.
Larry M. Silverberg is a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University. His research led to a unified formulation of macro-scale gravitation and electromagnetism. Today, Silverberg continues his research and writes the occasional magazine article on a new scientific advancement, including those that bring modern dynamics to the wider public.
Adrian Simmons has had fiction published at Pseudopod, James Gunn's Ad Astra, Lackington’s and Giganotosaurus. He writes genre-related essays, interviews, and articles at Strange Horizons, Black Gate, and Revolution SF. He is one-third of the editorial team behind Heroic Fantasy Quarterly.
J. Millard Simpson is a former used bookseller who started writing full-time in order to actually make money for a change. He has written for and edited the VGAPlanets fanzine, Planets Magazine, for over a decade under the Gnerphk cognomen. His fiction can also be found at SciFi Shorts, Short Édition kiosks everywhere, and at Twi... uh, X... uh, TwiX @Gnerphk. He eats ramen, drinks weak tea, and hasn't starved yet but still might succumb to scurvy. and
Pamela Skjolsvik has been published in Creative Nonfiction, Witness, Ten Spurs, The Moment, CNN, Writer’s Digest and in the anthology Silence Kills: Speaking Out and Saving Lives. Death Becomes Us, her first book was featured on NPR’s Think with Krys Boyd in 2016. Find out more at Pamela Skjolsvik.
Will Slocombe is a senior lecturer in English at the University of Liverpool, director of the Science Fiction Studies MA pathway and one of the directors of the Olaf Stapledon Centre for Speculative Futures.
Kas Smith is a science fiction author and founder of Sci-fi Visionaries.
Terrence J. Smith is MetaStellar's assistant fiction editor. He has contributed his writing to nonprofits and both print and digital publications. He enjoys all things technology, but remembers to meditate and appreciate the outside world.
D. R. Smith lives in New York with his wife and two children. He is a teacher in the Canandaigua City School District. Ever since he was a young boy he's been writing fiction. He loves a good fantasy or ghost story. His favorite authors include Ray Bradbury, Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, and Stephen King. He's won numerous narrative writing contests and published short stories in magazines and the anthology It Calls from the Forest, V1.
Addison Smith writes weird science fiction, fantasy, and horror. His stories have appeared in over fifty publications, including Fantasy Magazine and Daily Science Fiction. His first flash fiction collection, "Parallel Worlds Omnibus," can be found at
Susan L Sokolowski, is the founding director and associate professor of the Sports Product Design Graduate Program at the University of Oregon. She has over 25 years of performance sporting goods experience, working cross-functionally between footwear, apparel and equipment in creative and strategic roles. She has been recognized internationally for her achievements in design and innovation, including over 40 utility patents, awards from Nike, the United States Olympic Committee and Volvo.
Born in Jersey, raised in Brooklyn:  I'm a guy who's always been "writing" in his head and never, ever gave a real writing career a shot. I'd spend a decade or two not committing to anything, and here I am finally convincing myself to not waste time. It's never too late and my novel FOR THIS I WOULD BLEED might have an agent. Fingers crossed, because good things happen when you commit and stop wasting time.
Alex Souza is a Brazilian Bachelor of Laws. His work has appeared in Hyphen Punk, MetaStellar and Etherea; a German translation is forthcoming in Nova Magazine. He received an Honorable Mention at Writers of the Future V38 Q4. He also slushes for The Common Tongue Magazine and is very active at
Doug Specht is a Chartered Geographer with the Royal Geography Society, a Senior Lecturer at SFHEA, and the Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Media and Communication at the University of Westminster. His research examines how knowledge is constructed and codified through digital and cartographic artefacts, focusing on development issues in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Matt Spencer is the author of seven novels, two collections, and numerous novellas and short stories. He’s been a journalist, New Orleans restaurant cook, factory worker, radio DJ, and a no-good ramblin’ bum. He’s also a song lyricist, playwright, actor, and martial artist. He currently lives in Vermont. Check him out online at Musings of a Mad Bard, on Twitter @MattSpencerFSFH, and on Facebook at Books by Matt Spencer.
Ashley Spindler is a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Hertfordshire. She works in the Centre for Astrophysics Research on novel applications of Machine Learning technologies for next-generation astronomy. Her passions range from all things space and computing to science communication, podcasting, and LGBT+ activism. She is currently working on her first novel—a historical fantasy set in 1830's London—and lives with her partner, Sarah, and her puppy, Apollo.
Wayne Kyle Spitzer is an American writer, illustrator, and filmmaker. He is the author of countless books, stories and other works, including the film Shadows in the Garden, the screenplay Algernon Blackwood’s The Willows, and the memoir X-Ray Rider. His recent fiction includes The Man/Woman War cycle of stories as well as the Dinosaur Apocalypse Saga, all available on Amazon. He lives with his sweetheart Ngoc Trinh Ho in the Spokane Valley.
Robert Stahl is a former bartender who left his bottle opener behind to follow his dreams as a writer. Now the Dallas-based freakazoid writes advertising copy by day and fiction in the evenings. He loves to connect with others about the craft of fiction. Click the link to find his blog as well as links to some of his stories:
Valeri is a male from Bulgaria (he/him). Author of the e-book of short stories Fancy Shop (grotesque and slipstream) about hidden beyond the visibility of things.
Steve Stanton is a Canadian science-fiction novelist and former President of SF Canada. His short stories have been published in sixteen countries in a dozen languages. Find him at Steve Stanton
Sebastian Steinig is a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol. He uses numerical models and paleoclimate data to understand how and why climate has changed in the past.
Stephen Case is a science fiction and fantasy author with over forty stories published in markets from Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show to Beneath Ceaseless Skies. His science fiction novel, First Fleet, marries the hard sciences with Lovecraftian horror. His first non-fiction work, Making Stars Physical, was short-listed for the History of Science Society’s Pfizer Prize. Follow him on Twitter @StephenRCase.
Caleb Stephens is a dark fiction author writing from a rusty shed somewhere deep in the Colorado mountains. His short fiction has appeared in multiple publications, anthologies, and podcasts, including, The Dread Machine, The Wicked Library, Scare You To Sleep, and Suspense Magazine. You can learn more about him and his work by visiting and following him on Twitter and Medium @cstephensauthor.
Over the past 40 years I’ve worked all sides of the publishing desk: journalist, ghost-writer, author, editor, publisher. I have four novels, two collections of short fiction, and three non-fiction books in publication. I co-edited with Susan MacGregor, Tesseracts Twenty-Two: Alchemy and Artifacts. In tandem with that, I’m an artist, primarily painting landscapes in watercolor, although I do venture into oils, ink, and pencil. Apparently I also get my hands dirty in the garden. I can be found at Five Rivers Publishing.
Roni Stinger lives in the Pacific Northwest, USA. When not writing strange fiction, she's often wandering the forests, beaches, and streets in search of shiny objects and creative sparks. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Dark Matter Magazine, Hypnos Magazine, and The Crypt, among others. She’s a member of the Horror Writers Association, Codex Writers, and Willamette Writers. You can find her online at and on Twitter @roni_stinger.
Mary Stoll is a freelance editor, technology journalist, and speculative fiction author.
Jim Stratton has been an avid fan of speculative fiction all his life. He began writing genre fiction more than twenty years. In recent years he’s been forging his dark alter ego through publication of his tales in venues like Dragons, Knights & Angels, Ennea, Nth Degree, Tower of Light, Big Pulp, and The Broadkill Review. He also appeared in “Dead Souls” in September 2009 and “Rum & Runestones” in April 2010, in the “Paper Blossoms, Sharpened Steel” Anthology of Oriental fantasy of Fantasist Enterprises. He was a co-author and co-editor of Fantastic Futures 13.
Todd Sullivan currently lives in Seoul, South Korea, where he teaches English as a Second Language. He has had more than two dozen short stories, poems, essays, and novelettes published across five countries. He currently has two book series available through Amazon. He writes for a web and play series in Taipei, founded the online magazine, Samjoko, in 2021, and hosts a YouTube Channel that interviews writers across the publishing spectrum.
Jeremy Szal was born in 1995 and was raised by wild dingoes, which should explain a lot. He spent his childhood exploring beaches, bookstores, and the limits of people’s patience. He’s the author of over forty science-fiction short stories. His debut novel, Stormblood, a dark space opera about a drug made from the DNA of extinct aliens that makes users permanently addicted to adrenaline and aggression, is out now from Gollancz as the first of a trilogy. He was the editor for the Hugo-winning StarShipSofa until 2020 and has a BA in Film Studies and Creative Writing from UNSW. He carves out a living in Sydney, Australia with his family. He loves watching weird movies, collecting boutique gins, exploring cities, cold weather, and dark humor. Find him at or on Twitter @JeremySzal.
Catherine Tavares is a writer of bite-sized science fiction/fantasy. Read her work and learn more about her at her website Catherine Tavares.
Dilan Thampapillai is an associate professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He has significant expertise in artificial intelligence, copyright and contract law and previously advised the Australian government on treaties, copyright, and commercial matters.
R J Theodore is author of the ongoing Peridot Shift series and the Phantom Traveler series. Her short work has appeared in the anthology, Glitter + Ashes. Learn more at
Mark Thomas is an artist and writer living in St. Catharines, Canada. Checkout his website at
James Tucker is a writer from Charleston, SC. His works have appeared in Adelaide Magazine, The Scarlet Leaf review, Mystery Tribune and others.
Lamont A. Turner's work has appeared in over 200 online and print venues including Mystery Weekly, Mystery Tribune, Cosmic Horror Monthly, Christmas Gothic, and other magazines, podcasts and anthologies. His collections, "Souls In A Blender" and "Bleeding Out In The Rain" were recently published by St.Rooster Books. Check out his author page on Amazon.
Jeremiah Ukponrefe is a Toronto based author and stand up comedian. He has been published in The Runner, The Reel Anna, and Envie Magazine. His debut novel Hive released March 2021, the first of The Arcane Volumes Series.  As a comedian his style is a mixture of clever observations with a subversive darkness, all performed under a veil of innocence. He's performed at the Island, Guelf, Halifax, Kelowna, & Ottawa Fringe Festival. He is a founder of the comedy production company Punching Sideways Productions. He is really hoping this artist thing works out.  
KB Updike Jr is an asexual Richmond, Va area writer to have appeared online in such publications as the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Blood Moon Rising Magazine, and Black Petals. Most of his writings may be found free on his website, The Individuate Church.
Andrew Vanderburg is an assistant professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research focuses on studying exoplanets and developing cutting-edge techniques and methods to discover new planets outside of our solar system, and studying the planets we find to learn their detailed properties.
Izzy Varju is a neuroscientist by training who writes queer novels and short stories. Their work has been shortlisted for the Ruritania Prize and appeared in Luna Station Quarterly, From the Farther Trees, and Havok. When not contemplating the mysterious life of the giant squid they serve as an editor for a literary quarterly and has done panels on queer representation and editing at writing conventions. Their work can be found at, and on their Amazon page.
Surina Venkat is a writer from West Melbourne, Florida who has short stories and essays published in Brown Girl Magazine, Flash Frontier, and more. When she isn't reading or writing, she can be found on a run with her dog, listening to a podcast, or tweeting from @surinavenkat.
Jules Verne (1828–1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for a series of bestselling adventure novels including Journey to the Center of the Earth, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and Around the World in Eighty Days.
Jennifer Vickery is president and CEO of National Strategies PR and has worked with hundreds of national clients. Her experience includes writing a regular column for a newspaper, producing a health television segment, serving as a radio personality for advocacy issues, and producing a weekly radio show.
Rizwan Virk is a successful entrepreneur, video game pioneer, film producer, venture capitalist, computer scientist and bestselling author. Virk is currently doing doctoral research at the Center for Science and the Imagination and teaching classes on the metaverse, innovation and simulation theory at the College of Global Futures and the Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University.
Surrounded by gnomes, gargoyles and poisonous plants, KT Wagner writes Gothic horror and op/ed pieces in the garden of her British Columbia home. A number of her short stories are published in magazines and anthologies, she’s currently working on a scifi-horror novel, and can be found online at Northern Lights Gothic and on Twitter @KT_Wagner.
Claudia Wair is a Virginia-based writer and editor. Her work has appeared in Corvid Queen, The Wondrous Real Magazine, Writers Resist, Rune Bear Weekly and elsewhere. You can read more at, or find her on Twitter @CWTellsTales.
Dustin Walker is Canadian writer of horror, crime and comedy. His work has recently appeared in Shotgun Honey, Rock and a Hard Place and on the No-Sleep Podcast. He also took first place in Flash Fiction Magazine's quarterly writing contest. You can find him on Twitter at Dustin Walker.
Sara Imari Walker is a professor of physics at the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University.
Nicole Walsh is a cat enthusiast from the east coast of Australia who loves fern gardens and long dresses. She writes short and novel-length speculative fiction and urban fantasy that span from a little bit dark, a little bit amusing through to a little bit steamy. Her work is featured in 30+ magazines and anthology spaces. Her second novel, steamy sci-fi-fantasy mashup The God-Wife Reborn is releasing through June 2024. Visit Nicole at: and
Robert Walton is an experienced writer with published works including fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, and poetry. His fantasy novels include Joel in Tananar, The Dragon and the Lemon Tree, and Chaos Gate. His Civil War novel Dawn Drums won the 2014 New Mexico Book Awards Tony Hillerman Prize for best fiction. His SF novella Vienna Station won the 2011 Galaxy Prize and was subsequently published by Rosetta Books. Most recently, Joaquin’s Gold, an anthology of Joaquin Murrieta stories, is available on Amazon. Learn more on his website Chaos Gate. Find his other books on Amazon.
A one-time teen mother and high school dropout, Dr. Larina Warnock is an educator in Southern Oregon where she lives with her husband, three dogs, and a turtle older than she is. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Dread Machine, Stories We Tell After Midnight Vol 2, All Worlds Wayfarer, Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine, and others. Find out more at her website here:
Ivy Waters is actually three writers stacked on top of each other wearing a trench coat. Together, they have stories in publications including CommuterLit and Raconteur Magazine; one or the other of them can usually be found ignoring the advice of the other two and buying more books and/or mugs and/or sweaters.
Herbert George Wells (1866 – 11946) was an English writer who wrote dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, history, satire, biography and autobiography. He is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the "father of science fiction."
Terri Wells (she/her) has been writing stories ever since she could hold a pencil, and editing written work of all kinds for nearly half her life. When not editing, she can be found eyeballs-deep exploring other worlds, or elbows-deep in her latest fibery project.
Herbert George Wells was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output included works of social commentary, politics, history, popular science, satire, biography, and autobiography.
Bree Wernicke lives in Los Angeles. Her work has also appeared in Neon Literary Magazine and The Dread Machine.
Thomas Kent West is an American speculative fiction writer and the winner of the Rue Morgue “Artifacts of Horror” Contest, the Content Flash Fiction Contest, and the Black Hole Entertainment Short Fiction Prize. His work has been featured on The Other Stories, in the Michigan Daily, and elsewhere. You can read more of his work by visiting him on Twitter @ThomasKentWest, @Instagram or at
Thomas White’s speculative fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in online and print literary magazines in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. In addition, he is a Wiley-Blackwell Journal author and contributor to various journals on topics ranging from the meaning of Evil to reality as a computer simulation.
Alpheus Williams, curmudgeon, pagan, pantheist, loves wife, nature, good whisky and dogs. Published in The Molotov Cocktail, Barren Magazine, Storgy, The Write Launch, Fabulist Magazine, Shotgun Honey, Bristol Noir, Bath Flash Fiction, Ellipses Zine, et al. Two stories nominated Push Cart Prize 2021. Links to published works seasongchronicle.
Rowan Woods is an aspiring writer currently attending university for Biology. They believe in the magic of everyday life, despite their affinity for depressing science fiction and fantasy stories.
A native of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Austin Worley writes fantasy, sci-fi, superhero fiction, romance, and more.  When he's not dreaming up new worlds, Austin enjoys amateur astronomy, gaming, astrophotography, and reading.
Christina Wott is a laser scientist, writer, and yoga instructor who resides in Boulder, Col. with a spouse, a robot vacuum, and too many bicycles. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram @christinawott or on her website.
Cory Wright-Maley is a professor, teacher-educator, parent, and partner located in Calgary, Canada. He is a seeker of insights beyond what is readily apparent. He enjoys board and role-playing games, playing ice—and fantasy—hockey, a good IPA, and has travelled to more than 50 countries and lived in the United States for eleven years, where he taught high school social studies for six of them.
Dr. Xuejian Wu has been a Postdoctoral Scholar in Department of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley. There he developed versatile quantum inertial sensors using light-pulse atom interferometry, advanced their sensitivity and field performance, and implemented them into geoscience applications. Trained in the precision measurements and instruments, Wu received his PhD at Tsinghua University in January 2015. Utilizing atomic physics, optical engineering, and nanophotonics, Wu is particularly interested in advancing quantum sensors to new regimes, with unprecedented sensitivity, miniaturized size, turn-key operation, and versatile functions.
Catherine Yeates is a freelance writer and artist. They enjoy creating speculative fiction that draws on their experiences as a neuroscience researcher. They live with their spouse, cat, and two rambunctious dogs. Find more of their work at their website or on Instagram.
Katie R. Yen writes fiction and poetry with a dash of magical realism. Her work has appeared in Apparition, Third Coast and elsewhere, and her poem was nominated for the Science Fiction Poetry Association's 2024 Rhysling Award. For more of her work, visit and follow her @katiedowrite.
Eris Young is a queer, trans writer of speculative fiction. Their work has appeared in venues including Escape Pod, Shoreline of Infinity and Fusion Fragment, as well as anthologies such as Uncanny Bodies from Luna Press publishing. In 2020 they were awarded a Scottish Book Trust New Writer Award for fiction. Find out more at Eris Young.
Nick Young is a retired award-winning CBS News Correspondent.  His writing has appeared in more than two dozen publications including the Pennsylvania Literary Journal, The Remington Review, The Unconventional Courier, Arboreal Literary Review, Bookends Review, the Nonconformist Magazine, Sandpiper, the San Antonio Review, Flyover Magazine, Pigeon Review, Fiction Junkies, Typeslash Review, The Best of CaféLit 11 and Vols. I and II of the Writer Shed Stories anthologies.  He lives outside Chicago.
Gerri Zimmerman lives in Crest Hill, Ill. and likes to write sci-fi and fantasy stories that challenge the reader to think and wonder. She has two published novels to her credit. A few of her short stories have appeared in Soft Cartel Magazine, Literary Yard, Scarlet Leaf Review, Ariel Chart Literary Journal, Aphelion Webzine, and Metastellar Magazine. Follow her on Facebook.
David Lee Zweifler spends his days sowing the seeds of his own demise as a technology marketer. By night he writes fiction, mostly horror and scifi, where he rails against his robot overlords. His work appears in Little Blue Marble, The Dread Machine, The Paramnesia anthology from Grendel Press, and Shortwave Media's Obsolescence anthology. He has upcoming stories in Analog and Calliope Interactive. You can connect with David on his website,, and on twitter @dzweifler.