Short Story Submission

Short Story Submission

Our current short story submission window closes on March 31. Here is the page where you can submit your short story.

Our next submission window is in October of 2024.

We are able to pay for original fiction through the kind generosity of our Patreon supporters. Your donations allow us to accept and publish original speculative fiction at a time when publishing opportunities for new writers are extremely limited.

We also have non-paying opportunities to be published on MetaStellar. These include essays, reviews, reprints and excerpts of longer works.

To submit a reprint, your short story must have previously been published somewhere else, and you have the rights to republish it. For example, if your story was previously published with a publication that only asked for first-time publication rights, or was self-published, or posted on your blog, social media page, or other publicly-accessible online outlet.

You can submit a reprint of a short story here.

If you submit a reprint or excerpt for publication, we will notify you within a week about whether it has been accepted.

All writers will get a bio box that includes their photograph and links to their Amazon author pages, personal blogs, and social media feeds.

To pitch an idea for an essay, please contact our essays editor at [email protected].

To pitch an idea for a book, movie, or TV show review, please contact reviews editor Amira Loutfi at [email protected].


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