This week’s top writing advice from around the web for Sep. 11
I subscribe to more than 150 writing advice sites and gather the best posts for you every single Sunday. You can see all the previous writing advice of the week posts here and subscribe to the RSS feed for this writing advice series here(direct Feedly signup link).
Productivity, mood management, and battling the demons inside
Article: Are You Telling Yourself The Wrong Stories? by Tiffany Yates Martin
Our attempt to find reason and logic in what is so painful to us—rejection, disappointment, setbacks with our personal creative work—often results in finding reasons that don’t actually exist. Tiffany Yates Martin has spent nearly thirty years as an editor in the publishing industry, working with major publishers and New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling and award-winning authors as well as indie and newer writers, and is the founder of FoxPrint Editorial and author of the bestseller Intuitive Editing: A Creative and Practical Guide to Revising Your Writing. Writer Unboxed is a fantastic writing advice site, with lots of helpful articles from some of the biggest names in the field. Follow them on RSS (direct Feedly signup link) and on Twitter.
Article: Boost Your Creativity With A Break by La Bourgeois
Taking breaks in your creative work time gives you the ability to persevere with your writing projects. They support your creativity by filling your creative well with ideas, sounds, smells, experiences, sights, and tastes. They give inspiration room to strike. LA Bourgeois is a creativity coach. For more advice like this, check out her website, LABourgeois.biz. DiyMFA offers classes, advice articles and other training materials for writers. For more advice like this, follow them on Twitter at @DIYMFA and on Facebook at @DIYMFA or subscribe to their RSS feed (direct Feedly signup link).
Video: Featured Productivity Tool: Break The Rules by Debra Eckerling
Thinking out of the box gets you inspired. Inspiration leads to motivation which results in productivity. Debra Eckerling is a consulting and author specializing in goal setting and motivation and speaks on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media. Writers On The Move offers writing, publishing and book marketing advice from experienced authors and marketers.
Article: How To Focus: Commit To Single Tasking by Rochelle Melander
Adding even a single task to your current focus can compromise your effectiveness. Rochelle Melander is a productivity expert and writing coach. She’s the author of 12 books, including Level Up: Quests to Master Mindset, Overcome Procrastination and Increase Productivity. For more advice like this subscribe to Write Now Coach via their RSS feed (direct Feedly signup link), on Twitter at @WriteNowCoach and on Facebook at @WriteNowCoach.
Video: How To Quickly Get Out Of A Writing Rut by Abbie Emmons
Unconventional advice for snapping out of a writing rut. Abbie Emmons I teach writers how to make their stories matter. For more advice like this, check out her website, AbbieE.com. Abbie Emmons is a YouTube channel about writing from writing instructor and author of the same name.
Article: Overcome Writer’s Block Anytime Using This Simple Move by David Villalva
Dance with your fears to overcome your writer’s block. David Villalva is a writing coach. At his website, David Villalva, Villalva offers writing and motivational advice, free reference guides, and a newsletter.
Article: The Second Most Important Thing by Greer Macallister
Talent isn’t the most important thing when it comes to writing success. Persistence is the most important thing. But right behind it? It’s flexibility. Greer Macallister writes historical novels and epic fantasy. For more, check out her website, GreerMacallister.com. Follow her on Twitter at @theladygreer and on Facebook at @greermacallister. Writer Unboxed is a fantastic writing advice site, with lots of helpful articles from some of the biggest names in the field. Follow them on RSS (direct Feedly signup link) and on Twitter.
Other motivational advice this week:
- Article: 50+ Inspiring Quotes About Writing And Writers by Joe Bunting for The Write Practice
- Video: How To Defeat “Writer Overwhelm” Once And For All by Chad R. Allen for Chad R. Allen
- Article: How To Improve Your Writing Productivity By Doing Less by Daphne Gray-Grant for Publication Coach
- Article: How To Keep Your Heart In Your Writing by MaryAnn Diorio for The Write Conversation
- Article: Overcoming The Preciousness Of Your Prose by F.e. Choe for DIY MFA
- Article: Persistence Pays The Weary Writer by Tom Bentley for Jane Friedman
The art and craft of writing
Article: Want To Build Tension? Encourage The Reader To Ask Questions by Angela Ackerman
Anticipation—“Will it happen or won’t it?”—keeps readers on edge, and we can make use of their need to know by building scenes that cater to it. Writers Helping Writers co-founder Angela Ackerman is a writing coach, international speaker, and co-author of the bestselling book, The Emotion Thesaurus and its many sequels. I own a copy of this book and use it frequently, and highly recommend it. Follow Ackerman on Twitter at @AngelaAckerman. For more advice from Jane Friedman writing advice site, subscribe to their RSS feed (direct Feedly signup link here).
Article: How To Amp Up Your Conflict by Angela Ackerman
Conflict is a powerful tool for storytellers, allowing us to place roadblocks, challenges, adversaries and more in a character’s way so the road to their goal is much more difficult. Deployed well, conflict creates tension and intensity for reader, capturing their attention for the length of the book. So what does deployed well mean?
Writers Helping Writers co-founder Angela Ackerman is a writing coach, international speaker, and co-author of the bestselling book, The Emotion Thesaurus and its many sequels. I own a copy of this book and use it frequently, and highly recommend it. Follow Ackerman on Twitter at @AngelaAckerman. On her website, ElizabethSpannCraig.com, Craig and her guest authors offer advice on writing and publishing.
Article: How To Use Conflict To Show Character Development by Angela Ackerman
If you want to know who a character truly is, put them under pressure. Writers Helping Writers co-founder Angela Ackerman is a writing coach, international speaker, and co-author of the bestselling book, The Emotion Thesaurus and its many sequels. I own a copy of this book and use it frequently, and highly recommend it. Follow Ackerman on Twitter at @AngelaAckerman. You can subscribe to the Fiction University RSS feed here (direct Feedly signup link), or follow it on Twitter or on Facebook.
Article: Take The Work Out Of Writing A Scene by Janice Hardy
Scenes are easier to write when you break them down into bite-sized pieces. Fantasy author Janice Hardy has several must-have writing guides up on Amazon and you can follow her on Twitter @Janice_Hardy. Follow Janice Hardy’s Fiction University via RSS feed here (direct Feedly signup link), or follow them on Facebook at @JaniceHardysFictionUniversity. You can subscribe to the Fiction University RSS feed here (direct Feedly signup link), or follow it on Twitter or on Facebook.
Article: No Risk It, No Biscuit by James Scott Bell
Each novel you write should present a new challenge. Thriller writer James Scott Bell is the author of more than twenty books about writing, and you can follow him on Twitter at @jamesscottbell. His website is JamesScottBell.com. The Kill Zone is the home of eleven top suspense writers and publishing professionals. They cover the publishing business, marketing how-tos, and the craft of writing. Follow them on RSS here (direct Feedly signup link). Follow them on Twitter @killzoneauthors.
Video: Filler Arcs by J.P. Beaubien
Writing filler is an essential writer’s skill and very important, J.P. Beaubien says with his tongue firmly in cheek. J.P. Beaubien’s current project is a book series named Aeon Legion. Follow him on Facebook at @authorJPBeaubien and on Twitter at @JosephPBeaubien. Terrible Writing Advice is a very popular YouTube channel where J.P. Beaubien offers only the most sincere and genuine writing advice delivered with absolutely no sarcasm at all.
Other writing advice this week:
- Article: 5 Similarities Between Your Hero And Villain by Becca Puglisi for Killzoneblog.com
- Article: Exposing Inner Conflict In Non-POV Characters by Kathryn Craft for Writer Unboxed
- Article: Five Tropes That Sound Cool But Rarely Work by Oren Ashkenazi for Mythcreants
- Article: Fix Fluff Words –Fillers For Writers To Avoid (Part 2) by Kris Maze for Writers In The Storm
- Article: Flesh Out Your Character With Want Vs. Need by Jessica Flory for Live Write Thrive
- Video: How Do You Write Immersive Descriptions? by Abbie Emmons for Abbie Emmons
- Article: How Long Should My Online Chapters Be? by Chris Winkle for Mythcreants
- Video: How To Better Organize Your Research by Daphne Gray-Grant for Publication Coach
- Article: How To Find An Irresistible Idea For Your Science Fiction Novel by A.g. Riddle for Writer’s Digest
- Article: How To Write An Awesome Ensemble Cast by Lewis Jorstad for The Novel Smithy
- Article: How To Write Two Characters Talking At Once by Bryn Donovan for Bryn Donovan
- Article: Novels That Shouldn’t Work But Do Work—And Why Part I by Donald Maass for Writer Unboxed
- Article: Surprise, Shock, And Delight Your Reader by PeggySue Wells for The Write Conversation
- Article: The Art Of Time In Your Book: Working More Consciously With Flashbacks, Backstory, And Pacing by Mary Carroll Moore for How to Plan, Write, and Develop a Book
- Article: Three Ways To Proof Your Writing by Linda S. Clare for Linda S. Clare
- Article: Types Of Stories: 7 Story Archetypes (And Ways To Use Them) by Jordan Kantey for Now Novel
- Article: What Is Your Book About…Do You Know? by Brian Andrews for Career Authors
- Video: Writing Dialogue-Centric First Drafts (With Jeff Elkins) by Kristina Adams and Ellie Betts for The Writer’s Cookbook
The business side of writing
Article: A New Model For Self-Publishing by David Corbett
Author Emily Kimelman talks about a whole new model for self-publishing, not only selling direct from her website but creating an affiliate system through which authors who sell direct can promote each others’ books. David Corbett is a novelist and short story writer. He’s also written two textbooks on writing characters. Writer Unboxed is a fantastic writing advice site, with lots of helpful articles from some of the biggest names in the field. Follow them on RSS (direct Feedly signup link) and on Twitter.
Podcast: Writing Joy, Gen Z, and Tools Of The Trade by Bryan Cohen and H. Claire Taylor
The Sell More Books teams talk about how to tap into the growing marketing of Gen Z readers, as well as why to do preorders and where to learn about new author tools. Bryan Cohen is an experienced copywriter, bestselling author, and the founder of Best Page Forward and Amazon Ad School. You can find out more about Bryan at BryanCohen.com. H. Claire Taylor is a humor author and fiction strategist, as well as the owner of FFS Media. The Sell More Books Show is a weekly podcast focusing on helping new and experienced authors stay up-to-date with the latest self-publishing and indie news, tools and book selling and marketing strategies.
Other business advice this week:
- Article: How Introverted Authors Can Network Effectively by Miles Oliver for The Independent Publishing Magazine
- Article: 5 Tips To Become A Pro On Podcasts by David Temple for Career Authors
- Article: How To ‘Advertise’ With Reviews And Excerpts by Carolyn Howard-Johnson for Writers On The Move
- Video: 5 Things To Know About Your Author Brand by Julie Broad for Book Launchers
- Article: Twitter Communities 101: How To Build A Meaningful Group With Tweets by Sandra Beckwith for Build Book Buzz
- Article: 7 Reasons Your Book Isn’t Selling: Taking A Hard Look At Amazon by Penny Sansevieri for Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
- Article: How To Publish A Hardcover Book On Amazon KDP by Clayton Noblit for Written Word Media
- Article: 3 Ways I Wrote My Novel With Booktok In Mind by Melissa Blair for Writer’s Digest
- Article: What Is A Publishing Imprint? by Sarah Rexford for The Book Designer
- Article: How To Write A Strong Online Book Description As A Self-Published Author by Elizabeth Javor for Self Publishing Advisor
- Article: Book Royalties — How To Get The Most Money For Your Hard Work by Hannah Lee Kidder for Self Publishing School
- Article: Prepare Your Author Platform Earlier Than You Think by Dan Blank for WeGrowMedia
- Video: 7 Things To Know About Book Formatting by Julie Broad for Book Launchers
- Video: The Brains Behind Beautiful Books by Mark Dawson and James Blatch for Self Publishing Formula
- Article: The 6 Things I Learned After Publishing My First Book by Shelly Sanders for A Writer’s Path
- Article: Why We Shouldn’T View Other Writers As Competition by Edie Melson for The Write Conversation
Am I missing any writing advice sites? Email me at maria@metastellar.com or leave a note in the comments below.
MetaStellar editor and publisher Maria Korolov is a science fiction novelist, writing stories set in a future virtual world. And, during the day, she is an award-winning freelance technology journalist who covers artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and enterprise virtual reality. See her Amazon author page here and follow her on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and check out her latest videos on the Maria Korolov YouTube channel. Email her at maria@metastellar.com. She is also the editor and publisher of Hypergrid Business, one of the top global sites covering virtual reality.