AI images

How to use the new Midjourney ‘describe’ function to create great book covers

Reading Time: 6 minutes A week ago, Midjourney, which is the best AI generator on the market today, added the “describe” function, which lets you upload any image and get some suggestions for prompts that could have created it. It’s a great shortcut for creating images for book covers — or anything else you need graphics for.

How to use the new Midjourney ‘describe’ function to create great book covers Read More »

Is generative AI legal? Is it ethical? And can you copyright AI text or images?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Proponents argue that generative AI is transformative and therefore fair use. Opponents point to financial losses from AI deep fakes. And the Copyright Office won’t grant copyright to AI images. But all of this could change as lawsuits make their way through the courts and AI companies adapt their business models.

Is generative AI legal? Is it ethical? And can you copyright AI text or images? Read More »

The Gartner Hype Cycle, the Dunning-Krueger Effect and the S-Curve, AI, and what they all mean for writers

Reading Time: 11 minutes As writers progress in their writing journeys, they may face a drop in confidence and obstacles along the way. To overcome these challenges, focus on core skills, keep practicing, and level up by learning a new skill that aligns with your goals.

The Gartner Hype Cycle, the Dunning-Krueger Effect and the S-Curve, AI, and what they all mean for writers Read More »